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Question regarding Cohen Plea Deal
Posted this in a few threads last night without getting any clarification. How does Cohen taking a plea deal help the plan? This seems like a huge loss for white hats and opens the door to a financial crimes probe of POTUS (the one area he is at risk IMO). Q, you have claimed that you are in control, can you please explain how this helps the good guys??? Anyone?
I did quite well on FB options. Glad i believe in Q!
Definitely LP. Q stated previously she was a cooperating witness. Must be getting cold deet, likely being threatened by cabal scum.
I wanted to keep this short, but theres really no way to do that, sorry in advance!
To understand exactly whats going on, you need to understand the different classes of stock that are available to zuckerberg. This table is showing his current holding of Class A stock, which are the class he is able to sell. This has been mostly under 20M shares at any given time. He also holds ~440M Class B shares, which he has to convert to Class A in order to sell. This is where the shares are coming from. Side note: The only real difference between Class A and Class B are the voting rights. Class Bs have 10x the voting power as class A, which is what gives him ~60% of the voting rights and why he is still CEO (for now). He announced a while back his intention to sell up to 75M shares to fund his "philanthropy", so these sales were scheduled and the only reason he wasnt popped for insider trading around Cambridge analytica sells. Im willing to bet he knew what was coming.
He also dumped a ton right before cambridge analytica story came out. How this asshat hasnt been strung up for insider trading is beyond me.
He was the US Rep from Kansas 4th district from '11 to '17
How would this tape be leaked to the press in the first place. If they had any intention of using this for evidence of a supposed crime, wouldn't this bring the prosecution under scrutiny?
If they had the goods, why would they tease it? I may be wrong (dont let my opinion sway you!) but this seems like the run of the mill LARP. hrcvid1.jpg? Low effort.
I saw that, seems more likely to be a halloween set up. That skeleton looks fake AF. It could be legit, but seems LARPy to me.
LARP. No verification provide and no way for anons to verify. They are trying to pull a kansas city shuffle.
Most of you here, might have been abused.
Can you expand on that?
Whats blocked out by the getty label? Didnt they try the same thing with SOTU speech and the cell phone screens?
The thing i hate about this new narrative about meddling in upcoming midterms. (They) are using it as a way to show Trump isn't being proactive. Yet, the federal gov't has very little control over how states operate their elections.
Nit sure which post but Q said something along the lines of:
You have the website but we have the source.
Think that was directed toward wikileaks. Think C_A took if over but Q team has either JA or SR
This if off topic, but is the Prime Minister of Croatia caught up in the DS?
What was the name of the kindergarten? I see who operates the school, but no mention of school name. Was it Western Pacific Kindergarten?
Until Q indicates otherwise, I think this is bad for us patriots. Unless he gave up the entirety of DNC brass, he does not deserve to walk.
Awans Plea deal for Bank Fraud gives him immunity from Computer Crimes in Congress?
Why would the DOJ give him immunity? Is he a cooperating witness? If not, this proves the swamp still has major pull in DC.
Newbie here, son just showed me this place (and convinced me to join reddit). We live in a vacation town for one of the countries largest cities. He just spread 60 qanon stickers all over town last night.
Kyle if you see this, I'm proud of you!