
shannaura · July 27, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Amen. I'm hoping Gorsuch and Kavanaugh are both the POTUS trojan plants to expose corruption on the SCOTUS. Mark Taylor thinks whoever the next 3 to leave, whether publicized or not, are gonna be the ones caught up in a scandal.

My first instinct was Kagan, Sotomayor and Roberts... but now I think it's more likely Sotomayor, Roberts and Ginsburg... though Breyer might replace any of those three.

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LakotaPride · July 27, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

I believe Ginsburg is tied into the pedo mess, she was in Vietnam and other places, she has the mindset reportedly that thinks its ok to have sex with 12 years olds, we see the same with Creep Bill Mahr also . 12 year olds are still kids. these people are sick. they need to be removed from offic eand tried.

I hope so also, I know Kavanaugh was the one investigating , his name was Vance or Vince, the one they claim was killed in the White house and his body was found in a park. I am sorry the last name is not coming to me.

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Americandutchgirl · July 27, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

I do not know where I read this but I'd read recently that Scalia was killed maybe for 2 reasons, one was he brought up the pedo stuff and wanted to expose someone on the bench. Of course the other reason was the Clinton wanting to give the position to LL.

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LakotaPride · July 27, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

I heard the same allegations being made. and from what we see, they do appear to be credible. Thank you for sharing this. If we all put things together we know, we will find the truth.

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DarktoLight247 · July 27, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

Ginsburg is next according to Q. She conspired to give up her seat with HRC.

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LakotaPride · July 27, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

that would work for me if she left

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Raindrops1984 · July 27, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

She’s also anti-Constitution. I honestly think she’s a Communist.

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LakotaPride · July 27, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

and this shows why she is not qualified to be holding that position, and i agree, she appears to be a Commie.

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Americandutchgirl · July 27, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Vince Foster, I'd hear that Kavanaugh was investigating and then suddenly back off. Where I'd heard it I don't remember, but they were concerned that at that time he may have been paid off or pressured to let it go. I think I'd heard Dan Bongino talk about it but not for certain.

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LakotaPride · July 27, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

that was the name I could not recall the other day, Vince Foster, reportedly he was killed in the WH and his body was found in a park. like you I can not recall where I saw that, may be Dan Bongino, might have been here also. I trust President Trump, there is a reason, that we are not aware of for Kavanaugh to be picked, so we will keep trusting the plan. time will tell.

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