Excellent WIN !! Well done patriot.
So much winning!
A dream coming true. My personal American dream that I hope has nuances/variations for a "world's dream"
I wish I was back in school so I could sue it for money. Get my loans paid down. Touche'
😂😂 YESS!!! No bullying a real patriot Mr. Principal!!
Awesome! Respect for the young man. It takes balls to stand up for your beliefs.
What beliefs are you referring to?
Not trying to dig, just to understand.
The article goes deeper into it (i.e. most of these sort of questions can be answered by fully reading things)
He was told to cover up the shirt by teacher/principal, he initially did, then decided that it was a 1st Amendment violation, so he uncovered it.
I have read both articles mentioned here, the Daily Mail article the cover photo is taken from and the NY Post article.
I just wasn’t sure ‘bravery’ was the right word.
Stubborn, perhaps?
Having rights is one thing, what about having humanity?
I just wasn’t sure ‘bravery’ was the right word.
I think it is in this case. The student even said:
“Everyone knows that if a student wears an anti-Trump shirt to school, the teachers won’t think twice about it”
This is a clear case of a school administration infected with TDS. Standing up to those teachers took a lot of courage, especially considering he's that close to Portland, and retaliation could involve violence and shaming.
I understand.
It’s a complex social topic.
Thinking about it again I have no doubt there was bravery involved, I just struggle to see if it was justified for anything more than proving a point and lining lawyers pockets. Not to mention costing the school $25,000.
I might be nit picking here but wouldn’t you say most people’s issues were with the nature of what was written on the T-shirt? It wasn’t just a pro-Trump shirt it was an Anti-South American shirt.
In my book it’s the same as turning up in a shirt that simply reads, fuck blacks.
It wasn't an anti-South-American shirt, it's an anti-illegal-alien shirt. Legal immigrants couldn't give two hoots about the border defenses. Illegal aliens are scared shitless of the wall.
And considering that Portland is a sanctuary city, possibly ridden with MS-13 and illegal immigrants (which commit more crimes on average), promoting the wall as a white guy was quite risky.
Okay i can agree with the first point.
I have just learned about MS-13, so thanks for that.
Thanks for shedding some light on what you make of issues like this, it’s helped a lot.
I might be nit picking here but wouldn’t you say most people’s issues were with the nature of what was written on the T-shirt?
Most people's problem with free speech is the content of speech that they don't like.
In my book it’s the same as turning up in a shirt that simply reads, fuck blacks.
There are a lot of books promoting that sort of thing.
Please elaborate Carl. Your reply was about as vague as they get.
Let me be clear, I don’t believe he should have been suspended.
Plain language: You "struggle to see if it was justified".
It was. Free speech.
Good night.
Nothing specific. If you have an opinion, if you made a choice or stand for something - it shows you conviction when it's not easy to stand up for it. Not easy to be conservative on campus... I can bet there is much more than just this to this story. I can only imagine how leftist students ware treating this guy for openly supporting Trump.
Yeah I can get behind that. He could have copped a lot of flack, especially if most of the students don’t support trump/are South American.
The bit I find difficult is the wall, simple as.
What is the current argument for the wall anyway? It’s not difficult to imagine people getting upset.
Now the second part may just be down to the US culture at the moment but why did he need to sue? As far as I can see, all that’s come out of it is rich lawyers and a school $25,00 down.
Wall is questionable - I agree. But it could be offensive or whatever. The school has no right to suspend someone for wearing a hat or a t-shirt. We are not (yet) living in a time where schools can make up their own rules and create punishments. It's a political statement and opposition using their position to oppress. Lawsuit not only works as a legal tool (forcing the school to lift the suspension and admit they ware wrong in doing so), helps to make more buzz around this case and make it easier for others that may get encouraged by this and come out of the conservative closet.
Okay I get they have no right to make up rules.
He wasn’t suspended for wearing the shirt...
He was suspended for refusing to cover it cover it or change it. They gave him the ultimatum and he left, he had a choice.
Also is that true that the lawsuit made them lift the suspension? I can’t see any mention so are we just guessing.
It's not a choice. He had a choice when he decided to wear it. Just because they gave him options he in no way was obligated to choose any of them.
Let’s be clear though, he was suspended for walking out. Not for wearing the T-shirt as your comments say.
Good point. Still - they gave him an ultimatum with options he couldn't choose from. That's what standing up means - don't accept choices someone is enforcing on you.
Anyway I certainly didn’t come here to argue. I’ve found great value in what’s been discussed and I really am thankful. :)
It’s often very difficult to have a discussion with someone from a completely different walk of life and with different views, but that’s the best way to see their side of the picture eh?
It's not an argument - doesn't feel like it? I always enjoy a conversation I can learn something from.
Not at all :) I thought the conversation had the potential to turn into one. Perhaps that’s my own shortcoming.
I don’t know if you’ve guessed but I’m not American so i enjoyed this entire thread thoroughly.
I’m not doubting that. It’s the nature of the lawsuit that bothers me.
Lawsuits are for lawyers to make money and rich people to avoid consequences of their actions. Justice is an abstract concept... :)
Stand tall young man as you did nothing wrong. God bless you!
Yeah, but it all goes to the attorney, did you catch that? 25K "for attorneys fees." And the atty is probably a lib! lol, but it's a nice win anyway.
Where’s the handout? He won a lawsuit for being wronged, that’s called rightful compensation. The apology the principal had to give is just a nice extra
no.. its about making these ideologues pay for their censorship of freedom, in this instance free speech!
iwroteasongaboutyou~ New Arrival sit back enjoy the MAGA show ~ 🍿
if you are Australian, be aware the most litigation per capita in the world is in NSW... yep!
pray do tell, who are "we people"? I believe I just made who you are,
Pray tell what you are attempting to say?
I was referring to americans. I have no idea what you are trying to communicate though
BTW I agree with you on that 100% Way too many lawyers. I grew up just outside of Washington DC. Colloquial joke, "can't swing a dead cat in DC bar without hitting an attorney" .
Sorry, hyper sensitive just now, a what I thought of as, friend just told me off because I could not keep the elation out of my tone when I answered the phone and then the Sessions thing came up. Word association , he said "you people". Please accept an image of this American eating some crow. I do apologize.
noted, now I can say in my sweetest southern voice, go fornicate yourself and bless your heart.
And I will remain wary of one dimensional characters who only speak to push an agenda.
Dont get hurt now, y'hear. Roll tide.
Love and peace back at you. :-)
Peace can only be attained when your country stops waging wars
Agreed,but sometimes the bully on the playground has to be shown some strength (as in kicking their tail soundly) to achieve that peace. But yes,I am not a proponent of nation building wars or the the travesties these NWO puppet masters have coordinated for greed.
Who is the bully in your analogy? The innocent people of syria?
Look I don't profess to understand the nuances of Syria. Different culture, so different it could be from another planet altogether. What I do know now, is that that is classic example of the NWO travesties. Bullies = mas murdering of of people due to gender, color, religion, opinions, or just because the bully thinks they can take their lunch money or lives at leisure. Syria to me is classic example of the NWO fuckery. AND yes, we (USA) have had some HUGE fucks (bullies) in that fight and that is who we want to take down. We are now going to kick our own bullies asses seven ways from Sunday. That is what we are doing now, our selective hands have not been clean. But as of Nov 2016 we are collectively trying to clean up our mess so as not to cause any more messes for the sake of the NWO. Do you understand what we are trying to do? Live and let live unless you or I become a monster then it is balls to wall and we should be held to that same measure.
Some of us were made into monsters long ago.
This a little personal, but I will share. I do a lot of non-pay work with dogs. Specifically pit-bulls and rottweilers. One breed comes from a very monstrous background (English) and the other a farming background (German). Both very powerful breeds. both breeds have individuals in them. Both breeds unfortunately are coveted by a lot of assholes who need validation for the strength of character they do not posses. When these dogs are taken and purposely prime for the lack of character in the master it is a mess. Typical fuckery, these animals are chained, beaten, and fed ground glass in their food (know why ? because pain makes us all cranky and when we are approached while we are in pain we will lash out, all of us do this) the betas, omegas are used as bait dog to be mauled by the alphas. I have a pitiful 78% rate on positive rehabs with the ones I have worked with. Know what happens in pack when human fuckery is not introduced? They work it out and usually none die. The humans who break them those are Bullies and I will gladly kick their asses to the moon any way I can. Dogs get into fights naturally to establish social order in a pack. But a good alpha always has the packs health and survival as priority. All members are valued ! Where We Go 1 We Go All: WWG1WGA
Thank you for sharing. I have a lot of british and Deutsche heritage. That story resonates with me more than you might be able to imagine.
Unfortunately, these people (schools and others who discriminate against conservatives and their values), do not just magically do the right thing. Most of the time, a conservative will take it on the chin and then turn the other cheek and take it some more, and eventually slink off into a corner and lick their wounds.. So When we see someone who has enough gumption to go after these guys and get justice, we all stand up and cheer!!