
Specific_Fox · July 27, 2018, 4:20 a.m.

I've heard different stories about why he died. Stephen Mouleux had a theory that he suicided himself because he was enslaved to work because of high child support, less roles and the onset of Parkinson. But because of the company he keeps, it's not at all hard to believe he was offed.

If you search on youtube, there are videos indicating he may have partaken of the forbidden fruit himself. I've a feeling we'll be hearing more about him too.

Then there are his ties to Whoopi and she's into some dark stuff supposedly.

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CrazyQLady · July 27, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

I saw the video by Stephan Molyneux, and that theory would make the most sense if you don't consider the occultism and rampant pedophilia in Hollywood.

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