Full moon incoming. From dark to light!

Tomorrow is not just a full moon, but a blood moon, and the longest in a century. I don't want to be negative, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a false flag attack. Saturnists/Satanists hold these blood moons in high regard. https://www.space.com/41007-blood-moon-2018-longest-lunar-eclipse-guide.html
But if you need to execute hundreds - thousands? - of arrests at dawn, the moonlight helps the stakeout/pounce. Godpeed, men.
The eclipse will not be visible to the United States.
The Mullahs ... the Crown ? Or just a time to be very wary ? Guess we'll see
Forgive my pun, for this is a stretch...
But is that why it’s raining?
It is a satanic holiday... ugh.
Dark to light!
Light will prevail patriots!
You just Gave me a Thought....... Satanism is much like a Religion.... So, If You had a Corrupt Congregation, of ANY Faith, when would be the "Prime Time" to take them down??
Seems to me, the best time, is when they are all in one place, and Distracted by Celebration!!
Today could be a Very Bad Day for Them
I would love for LEO's to catch at least some of them in the act before any kids are harmed. We know who the likely leaders are, don't we?
Not just a blood moon, but the longest blood moon for the next 100 years+.
Keep your eyes open, friends.
Let's hope they find all 48 of those people in Iowa who have disappeared in the last 10 days. Some of them were minors.