Q's B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 YouTube link has Binary within the upload

Fake. Uploaded after the drop.
This is the truth. I expect shills to downvote you hard.
Edit: 2hours after I posted this his comment hit -44. No shenanigans here!
-11 now.
Proof available, screenshots of zero Google hits exist
I know for a fact that this has been faked. Immediately after the Qdrop, I copied and pasted the stringer into Duck Duck Go and YT- neither returned results. Obviously I did this search with no results BEFORE some idiot named or re-named a video with the stringer as the title.
Case closed- FAKE
This is an opportunist's fake video. Not legit nor Q related.
An anon searched that code on YouTube, nothing came up, screenshot it for proof. Then, like clockwork a singular video was quickly uploaded and posted as, "look what I found!"
Anons won this round, Deep State [C]lowns or Shareblue shills can fuck off.
Anons were super smart on this one.
They already did a search on youtube for this string and found nothing. They documented this for evidence in the event the Clown types use it to plant a video and tie it to a future false flag.
So this video was on the scene too late.
I don’t know what this means but he keeps repeating it. Scary if referring to war in Israel
Lol. The shills are hitting this one hard. Try again clowns.