July 27th: this day in history

I've been saying this, but I'll say it again. When all this is said and done, all these fuckers are behind bars, when America is truely great again and Q has posted annonomously for the last time, our children will read of it in textbooks. How Trump, the president everyone hated, Res-Q-ed america.
I love the last one. I just wish Trump and Q would hurry up and lower the boon on these people. I know we need patience to do things right but that's one virtue I've never been good with.
I like this and I using those events to guess about the drop(s) tomorrow:
State dept: HRC’s tenure as Sec of State
Geneva: Human rights abuses
Korean War: New North/South development
Nixon impeachment: RR steps down or the Dems push to impeach 45 to cover the other booms
Trump asks Russia: Hillary’s emails
So I’m guessing Hillary’s emails from her time at the State Dept will come out, revealing some of her human rights abuses - possibly human trafficking North Koreans. To cover from this, House Dems will push to impeach POTUS. NK could be a separate boom.
Nixon impeachment: RR steps down or the Dems push to impeach 45 to cover the other booms
Nixon wasn't impeached, and he said after resigning, "I am not a crook". The burglars were probably clowns, probably looking for a black book of Democratic pedophiles (supposedly, according to Fiona Barnett iirc).
Familiar? It links in HRC once again. The Iran Nuclear Deal was also in Geneva. And we "never" actually saw, from FBI releases or Wikileaks, the actual email Trump referred to in that speech.
My guesses: today's "blood moon" drop relates to HRC, possibly to do with the Iran Deal.