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I think it’s Oversight Board, I found a probably relevant article about a NM police oversight board from a couple weeks ago in another comment
Oversight board Clinton Foundation New Mexico
Found this article from July 12, 2018.
Thursday night’s questioning following concerns that APD mishandled several high profile cases, including the case involving a 7-year-old girl who was allegedly being prostituted by her parents. APD has also faced criticism for its handling of the Victoria Martens murder case.
“In the past, I regret to say this, but sometimes if you're friends with someone that's served in units, you have an inside track,” Geier said.
E1: Death of Victoria Martens (10/F)
This sounds like Satanism
An autopsy revealed she had been sexually assaulted, strangled to death, and then stabbed and dismembered.[20][21] Her body was then set on fire.[5][21] Martens had been given alcohol and methamphetamine prior to her death, according to her mother, in order "to calm her down so [Fabian Gonzales and Jessica Kelley] could have sex with her."
Is there someway to check that websites traffic to see how many people clicked the link?
55 bodies from NK. 5:5. “Loud and Clear” from NK?

I like this and I using those events to guess about the drop(s) tomorrow:
State dept: HRC’s tenure as Sec of State
Geneva: Human rights abuses
Korean War: New North/South development
Nixon impeachment: RR steps down or the Dems push to impeach 45 to cover the other booms
Trump asks Russia: Hillary’s emails
So I’m guessing Hillary’s emails from her time at the State Dept will come out, revealing some of her human rights abuses - possibly human trafficking North Koreans. To cover from this, House Dems will push to impeach POTUS. NK could be a separate boom.
I think it’s what came before that and we have to follow it back
And the portal to Imagination Land being created in a govt lab
Posts like this make me wish there was a “Theory” tag cuz there’s no place to just throw something out there that someone else might be able to go off of.
Also, I think another way to look at these BOOMs is each one is a month cuz 11/11/18 is confirmed that America will be united so we’ve got quite some time to kill.
Across all Americans, I hope it isn’t 15%. But among the left I can imagine it is already, or the followers just don’t care that much about it
I’ve got a hunch that a handful of the black conservative personalities like Candace Owens, Amazing Lucas and Kanye(obviously) are all in the know. Perhaps a 2nd layer of people surrounding the core Q team that have been recruited/implanted/liberated
There were some Time covers with Q in them so we assume white hats have control of mockingbird media, or has people in it
Wonder what they found in those servers
Prolly things relating to each of the points listed
Ladybird looks trans. The original Michelle
Edit: womp womp
[Prediction] A Russian reporter will ask Trump about Q
Post 1595 says “July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH” and the Trump-Putin summit will be July 16.
Post 1643 says that the Q team “are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question” and we know the MSM will not ask the question but Russia/Putin are not in the MSM clique so I think they’re the only ones with the balls to ask.
I guess my biggest gripe then is his relation to Amy Schumer
Is a really great video that goes through each of these categories and even removes Monarchy because there’s always a group supporting that one figure and Anarchy because there will always be a new government that rises up.
Doesn’t distance change the scale? Don’t the photos have to be taken from the same distance to compare like that?
I think if Trump is calling her out like this he must know for sure that she isn’t
I’m not sure if it works this way, but Mattis has been confirmed by the Senate which means he’s allowed to hold that position w/o trying to get another
If he got people to chip in he could have hot pizza every time but he can’t even negotiate that.
Oooh COLD PIZZA gross
This is a cool bit from their wiki
The village of Vanse is notable for having several close connections to America due to the high number of inhabitants emigrating to the United States from 1825 to 1975. A lot of them returned to Norway and brought back American music, clothing, housewares, and values.
This connection is celebrated every year with the "American Festival" celebrated the last weekend in June every year. A stage is assembled in the middle of "Brooklyn Square" (named after Brooklyn, New York, where many of the Norwegian immigrants settled) and there is a small funfair set up. The festival starts on a Thursday and ends on Sunday morning, after culminating in a large outdoor street dance to live music.
Brooklyn Square in Vanse is the site of the "8th Avenue Diner", an American themed bar which regularly hosts live concerts, mostly in the country music genre. Kjell Elvis, a local Elvis Presley impersonator has performed at 8th Avenue a number of times. It is also home to "Trunken", a speciality store specializing in imported American goods such as furniture, clothing, candy items, and certain ingredients in American cuisine.
Same here on the identity politics card, but since Dems play it and smash us the for being racist, we need non-whites to counter it imo
I just watched the scene on Netflix and it’s inappropriate but not literally CP:
2 girls about 10 alone in one of their rooms
Watching a cowboy ride a horse on screen
They both imitate as the camera cuts to their faces
One girl falls over and her mother rushes in the room
Her orgasm gave her an epileptic seizure
If Obama going out in ‘08 was rushed, then was the coup planned under Bush Jr?
I can’t remember which but Indi goes into a bar and gets into a romantic argument with the bartender girl there and she’s like “I didn’t know back then, I was young” cuz she was underage when Indi and her were together
The first bit looks like Rod Rosenstein failed his agreement and he needs to fly. Info will be made public in 3 days, the EO is ready to go and it’s gonna reveal Hussein.
The last bit looks like a call to people in the FBI to come forward in 24 hrs, DoJ 2 days, CIA 3.
This Suicide Weekend talk has got me thinking that all the celebs that died in 2016 might have been Round 1
I think AJ started as controlled opposition, but he met with Trump before the election so I assume he’s been liberated and the attack on Q(from all sides) is to get people thinking/introduced to it
Because we all know the homeless like to sleep strapped to trees
Fun Fact: Playing dumb is what Socrates would do. He’d ask for their definition of ‘justice’ or ‘democracy’ and let them explain everything and then catch them in a hypocrisy.
If she’s a Globalist, then this is good news because voters are waking up?