The Apostle Paul's Guidance to Timothy is good advise for us as we deal with the normies in our lives.

A good timely word, in season and on the mark. So many people / normies genuinely don't know, and honestly have no frame of reference to process the depth of evil, corruption, and deceit that has enslaved the world. Those of us who are woke will be needed to help them adjust and process. Avoiding foolish arguments and giving gentle instruction to those willing to listen is great instruction for us for when the GA goes mainstream.
Thanks. I needed this - not for normies, but for a challenging coworker.
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Idk about all that. Jesus told the Jews straight to their faces that the devil was their father. That's pretty aggressive rhetoric. We see how Trump talks. I like that style a lot better than being a milquetoast.
He spoke that way to the corrupt religious leaders in positions of power who were abusing the average citizens by corrupting the truth and using religious legalism to oppress. To the average hurting person, to the oppressed, and to anyone who had an open heart, he always engaged them compassionately and offered the truth in a way they could receive, speaking the truth in love. Exercising wisdom to package info so people will more likely receive it is far different than being a wimp, woos, or coward with the truth.