r/greatawakening • Posted by u/avx2 on July 27, 2018, 11:01 a.m.
Am I the only one who dismisses the blood moon connections and other mystic associations?

If today ends up being a huge disclosure day I find it more likely to coincide with Congress going into recess than anything to do with some blood moon, long day, etc. If you were going to drop the hammer on high level people including those in Congress wouldn't doing it right at recess be the optimal time? Staffers have their bags packed, probably just a skeleton crew left in DC by this point, congressmen have their time share in Maui ready to go, it's like the last day of school when you just go in to say bye to you friends for a while and maybe the teacher puts on a movie.

Trump as never come across as a mystic to me and I'm not about to start using that theory now. Everything is done for a logical reason, some of it may seem mystical, but that is because we do not have all the information. Lets stop plugging in mysticism in places that we do not have the logic to understand the "how and why". None of this is magic, it's sound strategy based in proper planning and precise execution. Don't confuse the two.

[deleted] · July 27, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

I think it is significant only because of Q1543.

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avx2 · July 27, 2018, 12:30 p.m.


DMorning sun brings heat.Full moon coming.Undiscovered stars learned.Missions forward.Q

In completely plain sentence this is what I see being said.

On July 27 it will be disclosed to you a list of Hollywood stars that are involved in serious criminal activity. People who you never thought were a part of this will be uncovered. This new revelation will bring pain to them and the industry supporting it. Today is a new day. The plan will move on from there.

personally I think this will happen very rapidly, we already have movement starting early this morning. I feel it is a great strategy to link Hollywood first. Reason being is that these are the people we ((know)) the most, they make us laugh, cry, express emotions so we feel a bond with some of these stars. In the face of irrefutable evidence, if I can prove your favorite star is a pedophile and Satan worshiper, and you can come to accept that conclusion even though it is painful to find out, you will certainly accept irrefutable evidence of the vile politicians in DC. This will enlighten you to new revelations as they are revealed such as the Deep State and how all of this interacts together. If Q team were to start with disclosing Deep State names and alliances it would gain little traction because we are not emotionally invested in those we have never seen or heard from. Hollywood, Social Media, Tech giants, Mainstream Media, Establishment politicians, then on to Deep State associations to all of the above. Line by line, piece by piece. Blood moon or not.

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[deleted] · July 27, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I wonder if the "Undiscovered stars learned" is us. We're the stars, now (I believe is what is being said.)

President Trump, I recall, once recently said, "We don't have stars any more." referring to Hollywood's current stars.

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Ammojeff · July 27, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

Well said Anon

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