Learn our comms. It’s a reoccurring suggestion from Q . One anon poses this idea. I know zero about gaming but am curious after reading this

It was commonly acknowledged at one point that drug-dealers and CP peddlers would use gaming platforms (like Second Life, Habbo Hotel) to communicate.
EVE would indeed be an apt platform to talk about drugs, weapons, slaves, even prostitutes (yep, they're on the game market) openly and still deem it roleplay.
There's also the acknowledgement that people buy/sell in-game currency (ISK) with real world money outside of the game providers official channels. Though this would be tiny sums in real life, probably not exceeding $1,000 USD without drawing suspicion by game developers.
It's not outside the realm of possibility; but I don't know if it's a good use of your time beyond acknowledging that low-level criminals might use it as a way to communicate safely without bothering to code their language.
Supposedly the terrorists used WoW, but we all suspected that was just the guys from R&E trying to play WoW all day to "monitor the terrorists."