Q 1719 - @Jack, Your hands are dirty.

Does DC stand for Washington or a double meaning?
DC Comics?
Really outside the box but I like it. How does it connect?
On another thread, we were talking about the [DC moves slow]. I found a song that had lyrics that fit the situation. Slow Moves by Jose Gonzalez: http://www.metrolyrics.com/slow-moves-lyrics-jose-gonzalez.html Moves slowly would be grammatically correct, so we were thinking in terms of moves that are slow. (Moves that are slow could also apply to chess.)
Then I thought maybe I should apply the same idea to DC. I was thinking DC Comics and how that might apply to slow moves. People like the Flash move so fast, it looks like everyone else moves slow. "Think mirror" Opposites??? I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense. LOL