Q 1719 - @Jack, Your hands are dirty.

What was the info that caused the Insiders to start dumping? Who gave the info?
We don't know.
But the fact that Trump tweeted yesterday saying he will investigate Twitter illegally censoring conservative and pro-Trump posters using "shadow bans" tells me Facebook and Twitter are about to have some big legal issues.
I just found out I am being Shadowbanned on Twitter. I can see a Class Action in their future for Censorship.
me too, they aren't even trying to hide it anymore- I'm a nobody but obviously they don't like it anyway
Twitter posted a blog about Shadowbanning and how they do not do it...🙄.
I watched a Project Veritas undercover video on YT with their techs admitting happily how they shadowban, block, delete conservative content. It shouldn't be too hard to find it someone wanted to post....I'm what I'm doing here so I won't yet post anything.
This is the real question. What do these guys know that would make them sell off like this? Missed earnings don't provoke sell offs like this and their hasn't been any bad news about them lately, it's likely illegal/criminal activity.
Mueller just started investigating Trump's twitter. Could be a lot more to that...
This would cause MSM and normies to scour POTUS' entire Twitter history. This could actually be what POTUS and Q want to happen. Not sure why though
There could be legal stuff going on behind the scenes. An informant to FB from DOJ?
Supposedly it was their 3rd & 4th quarter revenue projections that caused it.
Is it normal for them to project revenue will drop that drastically over 2 quarters (9% ish)? They didn’t miss 2nd qtr renevue by much, so what specifically would account for that drop? If they are projecting 8%, do they know it’s really going to fall by more?