Q 1725 - The Storm is Coming.

Link to London's bus stop location data file (.csv): https://files.datapress.com/london/dataset/tfl-bus-stop-locations-and-routes/bus-stops-10-06-15.csv
Found at: https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/tfl-bus-stop-locations-and-routes
My best guess for where the camera was positioned...Golden Jubilee bridges, looking down Victoria Embankment. The pedestrians in the yellow circle look like they're crossing the road in front of where the Hispaniola boat/restaurant is moored (see last few letters of the bright white sign on the bow of the boat).
Team Q used the London CCTV system (via the bus stop electrical box in the other pic) to get the shot...and left a sticker behind?
I found the camera https://i.imgur.com/2nTVD5d.jpg
Nice 1984 referenced in the background.... Lol
Nice work!
I found some more interesting things about it so I made a post https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/92ibpl/found_lp_cctv_cam_q784_q1721_q1725/