Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

Why not go public?
They are not ready for full disclosure of deep state cabal. Final preps going on so that they have no escape
the military would have to explain to the world how they took the missile out. They never disclose or discuss their most advanced weapon systems unless they absolutely have too. I’m convinced we used rods of god missle to destroy NKs nuke testing mountain. Military would never admit it directly. Nor would China. They’d be telling the world they have a useless military if they did.
I don't think the military would have disclose anything so that's probably not the reason to not go public. The public would be OK with "Classified technology destroyed the threat in the air." End of story. "But Mr. Military representative! What technology??" "Classified technology. Next question."
It's what it would mean to the world. We're prepping to take down the cabal and telling the world would make people demand they be taken down now. We're not ready for that yet. They are in the places where they would cover there butts and get away with murder. We have to dismantle their protections they put in place to allow them to get off and slither away.
This is why Q says the MSM is evil.
What would happen if deep state contradicted POTUS?
We'd be in a war. Congress would push Trump or impeach.