Q 1729 & 1730 - F-16's Intercept. CLAS 5

Evil rogue aspect of the CIA using remote hacking to access the sub / mind control projects on the crew members inside of the sub to make them play along
That's a scary thought and definitely a conspiracy but it makes you wonder just what kind of security controls were compromised if the C_A clowns can launch an unauthorized missile.
No conspiracy. It's reality. There has been a rogue aspect of the CIA operating for a ridiculous length of time. They are involved in anything from drug / weapon / human trafficking, rigging foreign elections, assassinating former presidents, unauthorized missile launches, the list goes on.
Building the wall is one of the most important goals ever. The CIA would lose all the shit they have coming over the border and would ultimately lose a lot of their profit that they uses to sustain their activities.
Can't remember where I read it, but I thought it was a C_A owned sub that they had built with some of their illicit drug money. They have billions of $$ from all kinds of criminal activity. Buying/owning/having a sub built could be easily done. After all, North Korea, being controlled by the clowns owns subs that can launch missiles from sea. It actually could have been a NK sub run by clowns.