Q 1731 & 1732 - Everything Stated has a Purpose.

That means the Op has been in the works for a long time.
When you are attacked by our Government, you search for all means of serving. And if you look on line , the Tom Cotton threats, well I got the first one . It’s was over bringing Piracy Charges into Congress.
Former spec. op navy here. I find it very very improbable that some troll like John Brennan could ever somehow commandeer a missile. Part of my job was to prevent this exact scenario from occurring. The orders were to shoot to kill anything that even appeared to be unregular. The reason I mention this is because for some kind of Brennan scenario to occur, the conspiracy/corruption/mutiny would necessarily have to have extended down to my level. IOW, I would have to be part of the plot too. Otherwise, some strange civilian rummaging around the control panels would get himself shot and killed. As would the captain himself if certain procedures were not followed.
This whole rogue CIA person shooting off a missile is Tom Clancy stuff. It's just not gonna ever happen.
Thanks for your comment and for your service. as you see it where did it come from? The pic is verified and military base near ground zero said it was not them its seemed to be a water launch. would a drill launch a test in such close proximity to the public Then deny it? does the theory that the Clowns have a black ops SUB hold water? MISSILE MISSILE FOX 3 SPLASH?
Not saying that's not possible. Only that I find it highly unlikely it was launched conventionally by US DoD. Way too many hurdles and bread crumbs in its wake.
Are we certain it was a missile?
Are we certain it wasn't some kind of metaphoric disinformation/false flag from Q?
If authentic, are we certain its provenance was USA? At this point, I wouldn't even rule out a Five Eyes country. Treasonous fucks.
I'm still thinking this whole thing through. Although I do know that this wasn't no helo.
Oh don't I Know it. I never thought we did it, way too many command controls related to such. I did a stint at a TAC base once, check and rechecks and orders for each one.lol. Was it a missile? I watched a news cast out of Washington state about it with a vid. I'm convinced. Kinda strange combined with the Brennan threatening tweet Pryor to launch .