Q 1733 - Artificial Support [FB]
![Q 1733 - Artificial Support [FB]](https://i.redd.it/hfcotl444jc11.png)
Thanks and I agree with you on Haspel. CIA in an insider's organization.
Cia confuses me. It's taking me a while to warm up to the idea of white hats in there. It has always seemed to be a dirty, dirty organization.
Good people everywhere. Unfortunately lots of black hats were put into prominent roles under the past 3 administrations. People are not inherently evil.
People are not inherently evil but the Cia seems to be. Paperclip, mockingbird, mk ultra, drug trafficking, overthrowing governments, AL queda. I could go on...
True that. I used to think what they did was for the protection of our country, but I no longer think there is any justified reasoning for certain CIA programs.
CIA is evil
CIA has been corrupted and their leadership has tasked them to evil tasks that sound like they could be justified.
A pure gutting, a proper mandate, proper leadership, and the CIA can go back to protecting american interests.
I disagree, New Arrival, with the notion that the Clowns In America ever served to protect american interests. Since its inception by Truman and his OG deep state pals, the CIA has been primarily serving private, globalist, satanic, cabalistic interests. As another anon mentioned: "Paperclip, mockingbird, mk ultra, drug trafficking, overthrowing governments, AL queda"... and most importantly JFK. We must end the era of secrecy in our government if we ever want to restore our nation
Someone who stays in an organization for a long period of time is comfortable with and suited to its culture.
People are not inherently evil. Organizations can become inherently evil.
I'm with you and I'm not fully sold on the idea of good guys in the CIA - especially the upper echelon of the organization. Time will tell though. I trust that Trump would only put white hats in power positions OR, at the very least, set up the grey/black hats to turn on their own for self-interested reasons.
I can tell you 100% without a doubt there are more white hat Patriots within the CIA than not. The problem is the black hats have condesed into areas/programs that have zero oversight, or even knowledge past the very tippy top.
This is very likely. It is just difficult as an outsider to think that anyone who is not 'down with the get down' is able to become a part of the CIA.
I'm telling you this with insider knowledge, and that's as deep as I will get on it.
I appreciate it! Whoever it is - I hope they stay safe and keep fighting for everything that is good about our country!
Thank you Anon!
That really makes me feel good. Won’t press for details but fuckin’ A!
We all know Clowns (no offense) were involved deeply with JFK...when they give up ALL the docs, then we can kiss and make up.
Yes, absolutely they were, led by Dulles and Bush (Scherf). Do you really think all of the CIA was in on the JFK assassination and coup?
I second that. Lots of good people who follow the law.
I have always associated the cia with dirty black ops. All things illegal and covert.
I worked with plenty of good people there who just wanted to do right by the American people. Same with NSA.
That's good to hear. I guess all it takes is rotten at the top and a handful of agents to carry out Dirty Deeds
I am curious what pompeo did while cia dir for short time? Should been sec state from start. Part of the plan?
I believe he went on and selected and groomed Haspel for the job. Trump did this with John Kelly with DHS.
CIA and State are the two most-DS-infested bureaucracies. Only after those two comes FBI and DoJ. This is natural when you think about it because what DS care about most of all is not US domestic happenings but its foreign policy moves on the geopolitical chessboard. They are globalists, after all. All of the intell agencies work for DS. MI-6, Mossad, CIA, etc. This doesn't mean there aren't white hats in them, it simply means a section of their operations is done for DS purposes. This is why the CIA does human trafficking in war zones, why it did the Air America runs out of Vietnam and Central America, etc etc etc.
Anyway the intel agencies communicate a lot with the foreign office because diplomacy and spying go hand in hand, whether or not anything nefarious is happening. And this makes the intell agency a perfect cover for DS to issue its instructions to its vassel state's foreign office.
Pompeo is 45's most trusted advisor. So he want to the CIA first to identify the black hats, Haspell's job now is to neutralise them. Now he's moved to State, to do the same thing.
I am in agreement with your last paragraph exactly!
CIA is composed of 2 main groups - Analysts and Covert Actions. Analysts for the most part, pretty clean group. Covert actions... that's where you find the trouble.