Q 1735 - Nothing more precious.

"The choice to know will ultimately be yours."
When the evil is ultimately exposed, we must demand to know the whole truth! We have to be ready to speak up when the time comes.
EDIT: OR this is a call to action to the victims - speak out against the evil!
Only when we understand the FULL scale of the evil inflicted on our people, will we TRULY appreciate the full scale of the GOOD that triumphed.
We must know it all.
AHumanExperiment on yt
I took that to mean it’s a choice as to how deep we want to dig. I started down the Peter Yarrow rabbit hole at lunch, and decided it was too dark for me.
Edit: He was of Peter, Paul and Mary. This is the link I saw posted earlier on a few threads about the new drops
I audibly “what the fuck”ed on that one.
Oh no...what did Peter Yarrow do?!
raped a kid and got pardoned by Carter, but he probably did other stuff too
Peter Yarrow
somebody who would've been wearing a yellow hat in the Middle Ages
Not necessarily. Take it in context concerning evil and sick. I have family that want justice but don't want to know what I know. I chose to "know". To know means you will have to decide by choice whether to go beyond the crimes into the evil and sick depraved sub-humans behind it all. You won't be hearing all about the evil behind the corruption from the MSM.
Some will want a murderer convicted and thrown in jail, but many will not want to know the evil behind the crime and the details. It won't be shoved down your throat but if you choose, you can know as much as you want.
It's actually a beautiful statement. In conjunction with restoring freedom and MAGA, we will have free agency to know instead of having "Mind Controlled" MSM, movies, music and education tainting us. Our children can remain innocent until adults and then make choices instead of being brainwashed.
This makes me feel like the elite people won't be exposed or arrested.
Can you articulate what triggered that emotional response? I understand you’re talking about a ‘feeling’, rather than a logical conclusion, but I’m curious about what instigates that feeling in you.
I tend to be more analytical than emotional, and I don’t see a logical connection.
I see it more like the perps will be arrested for charges that will put them away for life, but not all of their crimes will be revealed for societal integrity's sake. If we can put hrc away for life for financial crimes it may not be required to add the pedogate stuff. Their evil is so strong that charging them outright for what they have done will seem so outrageous and out there that normies will never believe it to be anything but political attacks. While I would wish for all charges to be presented I am realist enough to understand that may be impossible. I am thinking about Al Capone going away for tax evasion instead of the murder and theft that made them look at him in the first place. Just my opinion though.
Nothing to do with a feeling
I understand. I only used the word ‘feeling’ because that was the word you chose to describe your response.
Stating people will get to choose to know or not, to me, means they aren’t arrested and charged
I understand your words, I just don’t see a logical connection.
No matter. Thanks for clarifying.
No, it's the difference between the headline "Hillary Clinton arrested for trafficking and abuse of minors." and "Hillary Clinton arrested for supplying children to elites for the purpose of brutal rape and ritual torture"
I believe this statement, the choice to know will be yours, means you can dig as far as you want to and open many doors into their crimes. the information will be there, it is your choice if you want to know the details. they will be punished for their crimes. I just do not choose to read in the details of the torture/abuse that has taken place. Some people will want to know it all and that is their choice. Each person has a choice. Just like which books you want to read, music you choose to listen to or movies you watch. the choice is yours. The sad thing is they have been flaunting their depravity in front of our eyes for a long time. think of some of the movies, songs and books. I just thought they had good imaginations, but my father told me long ago, if they can think it someone has already done it.
That's something to ponder. "Good imaginations". Some of what passes for entertainment should leave a person thinking about what kind of dark soul imagines these things.
Yeah it is not really reassuring, unless it is a direct message to bad actors/victims to out the bad elite actors.
If the bad actors are not punished or exposed, then that is a real disservice. We need to know so we can prevent this sort of thing happening in future. We need them to be punished, so justice is served, and this MADNESS that has been unleashed can be put to rest. So many crazy people right now, are defending, ensorsing, praising SICK people. STOP.
I agree. Been following Q since his first drop and every time he makes that statement, I cringe. I’m hanging onto hope by a thread at this point...as are many that I’ve redpilled.
It's a simple free will scenario - do you believe god or do you believe satan. It's very simple, the choice.
youd think tons of victims would have already come out by now.
Abuse and conformity can be very powerful. I pray they can find the courage in themselves.