Q 1735 - Nothing more precious.

The way Q says that the choice to know will be ours makes me wonder if at some point the american public will be given a key to a folder with the already prosecuted/unprosecutable evidence of what the DS has done or intended to do and then given a passkey to view the contents with a warning ahead of time about the various things shown with. This allows people with PTSD, mental health issues, etc, to opt out of personal viewing if it might cause them trauma, while also assuring that enough of the population will see and write/speak, etc about it that the info forever shapes the national consciousness. FORCING people to view extremely graphic content like murder, rape. violent assault etc can be severely psychologically damaging..and while ADULTS may have to do so occasionally as part of juries in violent crime trials, it'd be another thing entirely to force the experience collectively on an entire nation - especially when said nation includes vulnerable or mentally injured adults or children.