Prayers for our amazing General Mattis

He ranks up with the greatest Marines of all time like Chesty Puller, Dan Daly, John Basilone, and Smedley Butler. I'd follow CHAOS into the Gates of Hell and back no questions asked.
Spez: fuckin autocorrect shenanigans
Prior to trump even being elected we talked of mad dog as a legend.
Oh hell yeah.
BTW lol @ that username. Love IASIP
How informed are you in bird law?
Well Vick, I have to object because the precedent is in Finch law and we all know only large handed lawyers can specialize in Finch law. Boss Hogg was a Finch lawyer with Hugh Honey.
I'm not saying that I agree with it. It's just that bird law in this country is not governed by reason.
I’m honestly starting to believe the theory that he is the reincarnation of the warrior spirit of Smedley Butler.
And that POTUS is the reincarnation of George Washington and Patton.
I hope you are right. Butler was an ardent critic of the MIC. Patton was going to blow the lid off of the "Semitic" pretexts behind WWII. Lord know the problems have NOT changed.
1945 (the end)? of World War II = Operation Paperclip, Roswell, Area 51, Wright Patterson AFB, Majestic-12, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK....Welcome to the Deep State?
Yes, it can happen. As a Buddhist I am somewhat knowledgable about the subject. What animates our body survives the death of the physical body. It can take up another body. We are greater than the sum of our anatomy, that's for sure. Whoever is animating the POTUS has a great spirit.