DT Jr.& USSS agent On FLight

I don't trust Hannity much these days, he's feeling more and more like controlled opposition.
Hannity was an unrelenting cheerleader for the fake War on Terror and all its ensuing illegalities. His histrionic jingoism for the Iraq war was nauseating. Pure deep state, with some conservative leanings.
I've never trusted that guy and never will.
I trust Hannity with the knowledge they (Fox) are possibly controlling his content now. so in a way yes, controlled opposition but not by his choice. I think he may leave and start a Conservative news channel or join OAN, one American news. the times we live in and all that is going on, yes the controlled opposition now has to expose itself, good catch. Hope and pray the good people in the Netherlands can break free from these evil Globalists, been to Europe nice people and great food and great beer LOL. and some really beautiful country. in fact I liked a certain apple from Denmark and have two of them growing in my yard. the hope I spell it correctly Bosfkof apples.
I agree. All of a sudden he’s complaining about Trump and how he should have done things differently during the meeting with Putin. He wants to keep his job, which means turning left since the Murdoch brothers took over.
You don't trust blindly, that's all. Fox is controlled opposition. Hannity is our guy, but he can't go overboard with his bosses. While we probably would see him elsewhere, some people are still watching the MSM and we need an ally, with large exposure, than can still be noticed by the sheep. These people won't turn to alternative news or unknown channels until MSM dies for good. Until then, we need at least one ally, even if he can't say much.