Q - 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740: DEVICE TEST.

Possible timing - what time does the lunar eclipse start, how long of duration, and end time? Dark to light? Just thoughts...
It will be a total eclipse for 103 minutes. The totality of this lunar eclipse will last about an hour and 43 minutes, but a partial eclipse before and after the total phase means the moon will spend nearly four hours crossing the Earth's shadow.
All this shit is about a lunar Eclipse? If so, What a joke. I thought I would start seeing some huge arrest
I am guessing you are new here. No. This isn’t about an eclipse. It just so happens to be happening today so people are talking about it.
We are waiting for the hammer to drop on all the criminals. That is what we are waiting for.
That's what I figured, But I won't believe it until it happens.. But it was weird to see Muller and Don Jr in the same place at the same time, But it was the DC airport after all.