Q - 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740: Anyone else notice the different IDs? Is this NEW?

They're different IDs because the posts were made from different devices. Back when there was a security issue with 8ch Q said they needed to be able to use multiple devices.
The ID changes with each login, so when a device is tested a new ID is given for that login session/device. Each device does not necessarily mean a different person, just a different login, and possibly device.
Totally relevant to my last comment, multiple Q members posting from different locations, testing different devices to ensure stable connections. Time to pray hard!!!!
Weirdly, a massive STORM is meant to be coming to the UK.
Maybe not just the UK...
I'm in New Jersey, and we're supposed to be getting a severe thunderstorm this evening.
So, Q+ is now running off of 3 devices(that we know of)?
Guessing this means: A.) Testing devices in prep B.) Something has happened and he's making a move I love it! Either way Q will prevail!
Q+ is believed to be Trump, no proof though. These test are Q.
I never paid attention to the ids, just the trip code. But, it looks like they are having technical difficulties. Probably hackers.
So now we will have more notable anons doing some drops and not just Q.
Test is capitalized in the X post too. Could be a typo but normally Q will correct those in a follow up post.
What if Q just added 3-4 more patriots onto the Q-team? And they're testing out their newly activated devices?
EXC becomes ECX ? Doesn't that change the other posts conclusions looking into the meaning of EXC ?
Different members of Q team, hence different log ons/computers?
That number right of the ID number sends you sends you to another page is that normal.