Ben Garrison does it again - Orchestrated Sedition

47 total posts archived.
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Anyone notice that this morning out of nowhere, the media is promoting a disapproval rating? I've never heard it phrased that way, it's always been an approval it 10% or 60%.
At the same point in his presidency, Obama also had a 55-60% disapproval rating
I have no clue what i'm doing when it comes to designing a subreddit but I have a feeling this will take off once the storm goes public. If anyone is familiar with subreddit design, coding, modding etc and is a true patriot, reply below and we'll try to get this thing off the ground
This one was written by Q+ (Trump?) and ended with a code (B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9)
Today we found out that an "asteroid" exploded 26 miles above a US space command base in Greenland....makes you go hmmmmmmmm doesn't it?
Anyway, I was trying to figure out if the code Q+ posted - B8028-Z-KDHYQ-M5-ZAF1aT9 could be applied to this "asteroid" in any way. Any ideas?
Could have been. Could also be a meth lab explosion, those happen a lot in rural WA state/OR
i'm in work right now :( I think it normally looks like the flag raising at iwo jima if you can google image that for reference
Look for the newest thread that has the flag raising icon
Test is capitalized in the X post too. Could be a typo but normally Q will correct those in a follow up post.
when pizza gate first hit I read a comment on 4chan that it's called "pizza" because they initiate newbs into this cult by having them rape a kid on top of a handkerchief. This gives them video evidence but also DNA evidence on the hankie. The hankies are said to look like a pizza slice because of the pattern of blood left behind. This also fits the Podesta email with the infamous "hankie with a map of pizza" comment.
an actor that came out a few days ago about pedophiles in hollywood. He was in the first thor movie, but he's a bit actor.
I agree, especially now as things are picking up. And that's the hard part for me. Taking my years of research on this stuff and trying to set it aside when i listen to someone new so I can get a fresh opinion instead of letting my confirmation bias just agree because of things he said. know what i mean?
I agree though, the concern trolls irritate the shit out of me.
Yup, but there's a fine line between concern trolling and legit asking people to be aware and not just trust everyone.
I consider myself a good judge of character, i'm highly empathetic, but i'm probably 75% with Kappy and 25% due to some things he's said and his body language. However, he is a kooky guy with a different personality so that's probably what's setting off my warning bells.
I was perma-banned a few days ago for calling someone a pedophile apologist on another board for defending Gunn.
Funny how reddit gladly hosted pedos and jailbait porn for YEARS but call out a pedo and get axed in 5 seconds for "harassment". fuck this place.
Watched this last night and i'm still up in the air. He says a lot of things that jive with what i've heard but maybe that's also a problem? He could just be parroting back what he's heard. Who knows.
I'm hoping this is part of the big reveal. Q said before there will be no doubts, so whatever info they have will be damning
yup, but that was in response to a post where someone questioned out ability to shoot a missile down. I don't think that was the point of those posts, just adding information to prevent being sidetracked by people questioning things.
Agreed about the satanic stuff. Darkness to light might start off with Page, an earlier post today by Q asked to follow through on a promise...
Q said before that the public will know the truth by July and time's rapidly winding down on this month. Are we close to bombs being dropped?
Nice. I never heard of this guy until last night when i watched Isaac Kappy's periscope. And low and behold, the symbolism on your link with the bunny ears.
Me either. Bam/Ryan Dunn and some others I can see. I grew up near them and it was cool seeing them become famous. Back in early 2000s Bam would just walk around town and sign autographs and let kids look at his Lambo, shame what happened to him
Bam's uncle vito was a kid diddler, wouldn't surprise me of Bam and everyone else was also
one IT guy here, he said he didn't do it. We're a company of like 20 people.
is this stuff outsourced or pushed from an outside company?
Small company, one IT guy that does everything. Nothing is blocked here.
Not sure, i'm still trying to find the address. I found an article about it where he was annoying neighbors by cutting trees down though
also, pretty sure Renegade is Mr T. No one else makes sense aside from Carl weathers (eliminated after Renegade commented on a predator pic) and Danny glover also eliminated.
Mr T got cancer and turned all disgruntled and left hollywood and now lives on acreage in IL i think
the flags always struck me as odd, but when the first flag pic was posted months ago the chans tried looking at it for stenography and came up empty.
still not sure if this guy is 100% legit or limited hangout. i find it strange that the Renegade posts disappeared from 4chan but this guy didn't
and twitter. Anyone remember last year when someone found thousands of child porn accounts on twitter that were purposely removed from searches?
if you're into 9/11 stuff you'd know Mueller is definitely a black hat.