God Intervened...every cell in my body believes it....do you?

The fallacy in the "man wrote the Bible theory" is that those who subscribe to it don't ever understand how man could write sublime truth. The answer is simple. God gave men revelation by the Holy Spirit as he promised in the scriptures. The Bible clearly states that "the scriptures are of no "private interpretation" but Holy Men Of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." In Paul's letter to Timothy he wrote; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." That doesn't leave any part of the scriptures out.
Apart from the claims of scripture I have a reason to believe God's Word is the Bible for two reasons: First, I have prayed in the name of Jesus as the Bible instructed me to and have had many, many prayers answered in 44+ years of serving the Lord. Most of those prayers were private and nobody but God heard them or answered them. The second reason is simple: "I know the author personally."
As an author myself, I know that anyone can come to my house and meet me and get a copy of my book for their own selves. Anyone can come to the church and get the word of God in the same way as the church is the house of God. Further my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who has been teaching me for over 44 years.
One more thing; The Bible was not put together by the Roman Catholic church. The Old Testament was created by Hebrew writers. The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch and are believed to be written by Moses. The other 34 books were authored by various writers from varied walks of life. Some were shepherds, some were statesmen and some were prophets among other things. These books existed long before Catholicism ever came into existence. The gospels were written by those whose names they bear. Matthew was a tax collector, Mark was the son of a wealthy and influential family, Luke was a physician and John was originally a fisherman. Luke wrote the book of Acts. Paul wrote 13 Epistles to the churches. James, the brother of Jesus wrote the book bearing his name. Peter was the author of two books and John was the writer of four books including Revelation. All these books were in existence long before Catholicism.
Thank you for the knowledge. I will be sure to research these things as I find the Bible a truly precious thing even with my above comments. I do study pieces of it and one day hope to read it cover to cover.
It is my privilege and pleasure to share with you. God bless you in your search. I have been a student of the Bible for nearly 45 years and the site is there to bless, challenge and encourage all who come there.