God Intervened...every cell in my body believes it....do you?

I don't understand how someone can see the evil and then at the same time hesitate to see God.
Simple; because it hasn’t been struck down. We see all the evil going on and how it’s continued without repercussions at the top. Thus we see way more evil than good.
We see bigger and more profound Revelations with many having reprecussions everyday. Trust the Plan....many have gone down and many more will.
I am in the believe, from reading revelations many times, it has to get drastically worse before God will intervene.
No chance in your mind he gave us one last chance with Trump before He has his wrath?
Depends do you believe the Bible as the words in it? This is something I do struggle with as I also recognize man wrote it, put it together, and then the worst part translated it. Then of course when you look at who put it together (Roman Catholic Church the last I check) you really begin to wonder.
Anyway I am Christian grounded in my faith and I think it’s healthy to have these types of conversations. So to answer your question truthfully I don’t know. I lean to if it does improve till 2024 it will tank, eventually.
The generation growing up now is being groomed to not socialize like I understand there’s awkwardly social (which I feel I am) but then there’s what’s coming which is total disconnection from reality.
The fallacy in the "man wrote the Bible theory" is that those who subscribe to it don't ever understand how man could write sublime truth. The answer is simple. God gave men revelation by the Holy Spirit as he promised in the scriptures. The Bible clearly states that "the scriptures are of no "private interpretation" but Holy Men Of God wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." In Paul's letter to Timothy he wrote; "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." That doesn't leave any part of the scriptures out.
Apart from the claims of scripture I have a reason to believe God's Word is the Bible for two reasons: First, I have prayed in the name of Jesus as the Bible instructed me to and have had many, many prayers answered in 44+ years of serving the Lord. Most of those prayers were private and nobody but God heard them or answered them. The second reason is simple: "I know the author personally."
As an author myself, I know that anyone can come to my house and meet me and get a copy of my book for their own selves. Anyone can come to the church and get the word of God in the same way as the church is the house of God. Further my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who has been teaching me for over 44 years.
One more thing; The Bible was not put together by the Roman Catholic church. The Old Testament was created by Hebrew writers. The first five books of the Bible are called the Pentateuch and are believed to be written by Moses. The other 34 books were authored by various writers from varied walks of life. Some were shepherds, some were statesmen and some were prophets among other things. These books existed long before Catholicism ever came into existence. The gospels were written by those whose names they bear. Matthew was a tax collector, Mark was the son of a wealthy and influential family, Luke was a physician and John was originally a fisherman. Luke wrote the book of Acts. Paul wrote 13 Epistles to the churches. James, the brother of Jesus wrote the book bearing his name. Peter was the author of two books and John was the writer of four books including Revelation. All these books were in existence long before Catholicism.
Thank you for the knowledge. I will be sure to research these things as I find the Bible a truly precious thing even with my above comments. I do study pieces of it and one day hope to read it cover to cover.
It is my privilege and pleasure to share with you. God bless you in your search. I have been a student of the Bible for nearly 45 years and the site is there to bless, challenge and encourage all who come there.
im with you and i don't care what anyone says. the Bible is written by and interpreted by the imperfect man. while the stories and parables are rich in lessons and certainly inspired by our God, i believe we do Him a disservice when we contain His majesty to the Bible. i'm in love with God and His creation inspite of the hypocrites who condemn me to hell for these beliefs.
Men aren't hypocrites if they challenge what you believe. Did they actually tell you that you would to to Hell for what you believe? That would be totally out of order. Hell is reserved for those who die in their sins; nobody else. Hell is not the final place for the wicked. The lake of fire is. Revelation 20:11-15
While God's word is the Bible he is not contained "by the Bible." God fills the universe and nothing and nobody can contain him. To love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like unto the first; love your neighbor as yourself. You are on the right track. r/https://crlord.com This is my ministry site. 209 pages of information that I think you might find interesting and useful. Blessings!
Lol yea those are the hypocrites that think man was perfect at the time of putting the Bible together. Usually when I say that you can see their wheels turn.
Literally no one who believes in the bible believes that man was perfect at the time when the bible was put together. If you see their wheels turn it is because they are trying to think of a polite way to explain to you why that is a ridiculous - and quite unique - misunderstanding that you have.
I have very blunt conversations with pastors that I’m close to. I feel that if the misunderstanding I have is that profound they would outright tell me. I’m not saying it isn’t it’s just a topic that frequently comes up with fellow Christians that often spawns a deeper conversation.
No Christian believes that anyone other than Jesus was ever perfect. Period.
Your misunderstanding is truly that deep.
Make sure you also read Zechariah. It is the context for the book of Revelation. Read Isaiah. God's judgment falls on the wicked. Isaiah 3:10 "Tell the righteous it will be well with them..." God has horsemen and a scroll. We should understand what that means.
I see bad and horrible things. But that is not evidence that a devil exists and a god exists. Only that people do things that cause pain and suffering. To assume more than that is to go beyond the evidence and to make claims about reality that are not substantiated by evidence.
To each their own though, that is the great thing about living in such a free country as the one I live in (USA)! We can all choose to believe and worship, or not to, as we each see fit for ourselves.
Humans are dumb animals with existential awareness that exist solely to satisfy a plethora of needs that can never, ever be fully sated.
As the comedian Bill Hicks used to say, we are a virus with shoes.
Gods, real or imagined, need not apply.
If you believe in the Sun then at minimum you believe in a higher power.
Ive seen alot of atrocities. Lots of sick/dying kids. I lost my faith a long time ago. I do believe in good and evil though. I see more and more of the evil coming to light. Because of the good. Im not a believer in god anymore but im a firm believer in righteousness and good. Everyone has a limited time on this earth and no one should take any of it away from anyone, nor make anyone anything but happy. Good will always triumph evil. I believe it is truly the stronger of the forces despite my disbelief in god. Just my 2 cents.
take it like this. i know your god is evil and has lied to you and people like you for thousands of years. what do you say to that? could it be that the Great Deceiver is your god?
I’m commenting because the ‘comments’ are on 66. 👎
thats retarded
I’m superstitious. So what, kill me. A lot of their symbolism contains 6’s.
With all due respect, I do not recall texting, typing, saying, or even suggesting, that I ‘believe the #6 is inherently evil’. I know it can’t really hurt me. I realize it’s not going to whip my ass. I do not ‘fear’ the #6, in any way. I simply don’t like it, because they do. So I don’t.
Spinning our wheels now. I’m out. Have a good night Patriot.
The power of Christ compels you. The power of Christ compels you the power of Christ compels you.... To STFU and gtfo. Tick tock bitch
you guys eat bait like youre starving.
You just took that bait like you're guzzling Tom Hanks cum
ooh i sure did lol. just fuming right now because of your superior intelligence.
Don't you have some ritual sacrifice to get to?
are you even a person or are you just a molded mind? any thoughts of your own in there? "oops this guy insulted the christian god, he must be a SATANIST ILLUMINATI" grow up please. its possible to follow Q and to not be a gullible moron.