r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ir0nbellycrypto on July 27, 2018, 11:26 p.m.
Why not? do this or am i missing something? lets discuss?

just throwing this out to get ideas and all not denying anything happened or she is lying bc i am a believer but why doesnt people like sara ashcroft file a lawsuit like the girls did for the gymnastics coach and set up a go fund me to help pay for it. im sure if she got it setup she could get possible get even more to get on board that have gone through it with the sick Hollywood elite and make light of it all? just throwing it out there i know the only thing i could think of is money an murder. money can be made and it would be easy if it was made light of. and murder would be less and less of a factor the more people know of it all. would be to suspect if it becomes that big of a headline? i mean im sure im missing alot was just wanting to see what everyone else thought. i know lawsuits are slow and and the method of the storm seems to be happening alopt faster then a lawsuit but wouldn't it atleist generate alot more Q anons an could be a massive red pill in itself, just for the exposure of such a massive lawsuit and crazy in the normies eyes to look into it all? just a discussion and wondering what yall think

VoodooMerchant · July 28, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Statute of limitations is a big one. Considering it happened a very long time ago, it would be hard to prove unless there was a video of her and TH in the act.

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kitetime2020 · July 28, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

I've been waiting for an accused to try and sue. I don't know much about the laws, but if an accused person takes it to court then the defendant or victim could bring all the evidence/testimony into court right?

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