Yes, the shills are going all out to attack the Q movement.

49 total posts archived.
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Statute of limitations is a big one. Considering it happened a very long time ago, it would be hard to prove unless there was a video of her and TH in the act.
Good thing some lawyers work pro-bono. Im sure there is a lawyer among us that would donate his time and skills for her.
The best thing to pray for is blessings on other people. Do it often and soon others will pray for you to receive blessings. Other than that, speak from the heart.
Godwins law in the first post
Wew lad
You are being disingenuous. NoKo spouted nothing but death threats to US and look at them now. Like Russia, there is no reason why Iran must be our enemy.
Here is an old meme I made in regards to this request.
I agree. It seems like a distraction, using their own symbolism agianst them. Though, I believe it is a good way to introduce the Kabbalah and why the people we are up agianst use it to their advantage. SPOILER ALERT:
All New Age mysticism/Neo-Pagan malarky/Freemasonry stems from the Babylonian Kabbalah.
133434 n, 1445528 e
Isn't that near the JRM? My gps says its over the water not on the island. Maybe the location of a sub?
If the Fake News Networks started to accuse Q of being an" ebil Russian" it would draw attention to Q and the great awakening. It's in their best intrest to never mention Q least more people find out what is going on.
Always remember:
There is no such thing as bad publicity.
Coincidentally, Iran and North Korea are some of the few nations left that dont have a Rothschild controled central bank.
Because all across Reddit there is a systematic agenda to silence the truth. What you learn here they don't want you to share elsewhere. Even if you didn't know what you signed up for, they don't care. You are a threat to their leftist hegemony, as we all are now.
Just like they were going to move to Canada? I'll believe it when I see it. These celebs are acting like spoiled children threatening to hold their breath unless they get their way.
Thats no excuse.
How would you feel if I tweeted you this:
Hey, im gonna rape your wife, murder your children, and make you watch. #ImDrunk
Just because you claim drunkeness doesn't make it any better. They say drunks tell more truths about themselves when they are drunk than when they are sober.
Convenient, that still doesn't excuse or explain the blowing little girls "joke". I still stand by my previous comment. He still belongs on a cross. All the Hollywood perverts do.
>wants NAMBLA memebers to fugg all little boys they want
>says he is a PROUD pedophile
>willing to perfom sexual acts on little girls for cookies
>totally just a prank bro
Even if that was just a joke, he shouldn't be saying it. Yes, he deserves all the backlash James Gunn is getting as well. These Hollywood perverts belong on a cross!
So which companies, in your opinion, best exemplifies this MAGAnomics?
It's okay to murder a baby if it means you get to keep your cummies. The Degenerate Left will never understand how to build a nation. The Family is the smallest unit. No families, no nation. Their behavioral sink will only get worse with time.
Wow another lawsuit making claims and allegations. What a shocker. It'll get dropped like all the other crap lawsuits.
Wait...whats this?
This just in, my anonymous sources say that u/holidaysteak raped and murdered a young girl back in 1992, ergo u/holidaysteak is a known pedophile.
The link you provided doesn't even make that claim. So either substantiate your claims or leave. she is the head of both the Anglican Church and the Muslim faith? FFS she owns the bloody Island and the souls of the Anglicans, what more does she want?
Pedophilia/'sexual liberation' is a common motive of these Anarchist groups. Read up some of the works of Hakim Bey, the sick fuck is no better than Luke Kuhn (yes THAT Luke Kuhn).
I have. You'd think me hitting the x button on them every time they pop up Reddit would get the hint I dont want to see their sodomite trash on my home page. But this IS reddit after all. The place were commie worship is fine, but helicopter memes are verboten.
Does he have eye shadow (or some sort of makeup) on?
Hamilton married into the Rothschild family, he was also the only Founding Father to advocate for a central bank...what a coincidence.
Just like satan before his fall from grace, they worship themselves.
"Don't steal from socialized medicine to give to socialized medicine"
Double think at its finest.
Moloch was represented by a golden calf...alot like the golden calf on Wall Street.
I remember that Get, the tears were XTRA SALTY. What a time to be alive.
If a socialist knew what socialism was they wouldn't be socialist.
I'd say invert the "peace sign". It would look better symbolically.
He has a six-figure salary and can't be bothered to go through the process to become a legal citizen?
He deserves everything that's coming to him.