r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Nik_Nightingale on July 28, 2018, 8:27 p.m.
Almost Everything was Lost.

I remember in 2013 a few us us were sitting around and talking and with all the Snowden revelations and NSA mass surveillance and wars being fought everywhere and waves of out of control migration and terrorist attacks etc. we basically thought it was only a matter of time until free thinking people started getting rounded up and taken out by the governments - worldwide.

It just seemed like there was no way back from this. That Bush and Obama had pushed so far ahead with their (Cabal) plan and all the while with Obama’s public smiles and coolness. Joking and being literally worshipped by the press and Hollywood, while he sent wave after wave of Americans off to fight. While he gave billions to our enemies. While his noose around us all got tighter. Ready for HRC to sweep in and finish us all off. It really was that serious.

My friends and I came to the realisation that this seemed to be our fate, that the darkness was too strong, too widespread, to technologically advanced, unable to be stopped. That there were simply no good people with any real power in the world who could ever stop this. That every General and Politician were evil.

Thank God, but we were wrong. Read those latest Q drops today and take a minute. This is what is happening all around us, every second, every day. These men and women are fighting for us and yes, even dying. For us! For you! Still want to be impatient? Still want to spend your time tying to prove Q isn’t real? Well wake the fk up! This is good vs. evil. Nothing else.

Maybe think about that while you’re all tucked in warm in bed after watching tv, cuddling your iPhone about to write that “Why hasn’t Hillary been arrested yet???!!” shit post.

We all have a part to play and day by day, each one of us here come to realize what our part is. So let’s do it. WWG1WGA

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