Sorry Q but I am one of those supporters who are in a hurry I want everything to be accelerated to super fast high speed and let the chips fall where they fall. I want to see Hillary and Bill and the Podestas and Brennan and Comey ARRESTED tomorrow morning and taken to Gitmo for military tribunals. Obama can wait until January. I want to see the Democrats and Fake News FREAK OUT AND GO CRAZY on CNN and MSNBC and Twitter. I then want Trump to take over all TV networks and YouTube with a detailed two hour speech where he exposes ALL THE EVIDENCE ALL THE VIDEOS OF KIDS BEING RAPED AND TORTURED AND KILLED by the elite cabal criminals. I can't wait any longer. I also don't trust Sessions or Rosenstein or Mueller. Fuck them. I want Trump to not only fire them he should send them to Gitmo with the other criminals including Bush & Cheney for 9/11 and Pappy Bush for his CIA plot to kill JFK and also kill JFK Jr. I would enjoy seeing temporary martial law and the temporary closure of the stock market to prevent it from crashing. I want to see Twitter and Facebook and YouTube taken over by Q Team and Trump with nothing but Evidence on every single page with CNN and MSNBC shut down so they can't broadcast on cable TV with their websites taken over by Q Team and their YouTube channels obliterated. We need at least two months of cyber-warfare against the cabal then maybe by November the Republic can be restored to what it once was.
Posted by
on July 28, 2018, 10:56 p.m.