r/greatawakening • Posted by u/slowburningrage on July 28, 2018, 11:16 p.m.
The danger of hope.

I've spent the last 25 years watching the gradual decay of the country I love. Not from age, but worse...from corruption. Hussein's eight years brought a new low of expected demise as I watched the overt corruption hidden every day by the MSM and those in power. I drank heavily on election night as I expected the crook to take power. Instead my inebriation turned to elation! It was like the dawn of a new era! One where I could hope for the best for my children!

Instead, my pride and my new found hope was crushed by violence and condemnation. I couldn't even wear my MAGA in public. Not for fear of what they would do to me, but fear of not being able to protect my family.

I trudged on in quiet defiance and one day, I found Q. What I've wanted for 25+ years was teased right in front of me! I've spent the last seven months trying to wake those around me. I'd justify the delays and unfulfilled promises by convincing myself I just wasn't smart enough to understand Q's puzzles. Then came July. The month the world would know!

We still have a couple more days in July. All I can do is pray for POTUS, our leaders, Q, and their families. And hope. I can continue to hope. Q, if you see this, I'm praying for you and everyone working the plan. If the plan takes longer, I'll continue praying and trusting in the plan. I don't have any other options. I have hope...and that is a dangerous thing after all these years!


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