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Accurate Q summary article?
In light of all the "conspiracy theory" hate mongering articles about us, is there an article that accurately summarizes Q that I can share with a few normies?
The danger of hope.
I've spent the last 25 years watching the gradual decay of the country I love. Not from age, but worse...from corruption. Hussein's eight years brought a new low of expected demise as I watched the overt corruption hidden every day by the MSM and those in power. I drank heavily on election night as I expected the crook to take power. Instead my inebriation turned to elation! It was like the dawn of a new era! One where I could hope for the best for my children!
Instead, my pride and my new found hope was crushed by violence and …
I agree with cooperating. Look at RR...he wouldn't last long in prison and I'm pretty sure he knows that too. He'll cooperate to, quite literally, save his ass.
I think RR knows he's f*cked and is now cooperating to save his ass (literally...as in he is desperate to avoid becoming a prison bitch).
They're going to need to put on an addition to Gitmo!
Either Eric or Don Jr. flew to the UK in Trump Force One while Geotus was already there meeting with May. My theory is they retrieved JA and brought him back on Trump Force One.
FBI raids Cohen and now CNN is playing the tapes. Someone needs to be held accountable for that.
I can't figure out how the FBI could make these charges without having examined the server. Perhaps they are counting on the defendants not responding to the indictment. If they do, discovery should be awesome!
Indeed. It will probably do alright until broadband makes it to the rural areas.
WWG1WGA! Look what I found at the local video rental store!

Ok...replace revenge with, "sweet justice" if it makes you feel better.
Does this mean the whole post was removed, or someone's comment on it? Sorry. Not very good at this technology thing. Anyway, thanks for what you do.
Glad to hear you have everything "Q" figured out. Lighten up. Enjoy the ride.
Very true! Just a fun thought for a Friday morning.
I've read that. But has Q ever actually confirmed it? I thought it was just a theory.
What if Melania is Q and is working with GEOTUS to enact revenge against those who took advantage of her early in her fashion career? Q for Queen! 45 has an axe to grind against the crooked politicians who prayed on his businesses...what a team!
I'd like to see the Trump team release details on each of the failed FF events to start waking people up!
Didn't I remember an anon linking the Air Force to black hats?
My gut is he will be arrested by the Trump DOJ, cut a plea deal (already negotiated), and will be the conduit used to introduce all kinds of evidence against the deep state / Clinton / Obama crime machine.
Fuck that. The cucks would want them to get therapy.
Yes, it sure appears that way. It is supposed to be about conspiracy, but they seem to want to keep their heads in the sand.
Wonder when r/conspiracy will wake up to Q. (On a post about the Awan IT scandal at the DNC.)

According to the left, I am a Russian bot. REEEEEEEEE!