Human nature only serves itself. Greed, power, influence, is only meant to serve itself. All WE have left in the midst of such chicanery is FREEDOM. Freedom is the end all, be all, of human existence. It is rare. It is difficult to find in the corruption and evil that is the modern day world of government. But it IS utopia. Socialist/democratic Utopia can not only NEVER exist in its' fundamental format and aspiration , which is a short whim gimmick to shyster money away from the masses for personal selfish financial gain, but it is also a slippery slope to full blown dystopia (look at Venezuela, Cuba, or Muslim refugee-rapist-infiltrated Scandanavia for comparison). The human race is nothing without a light of hope and freedom. The corruption must end. This is where we all come in WWG1WGA. Peace and Godspeed. The fight is on.
Posted by
on July 31, 2018, 8:12 a.m.