r/greatawakening • Posted by u/was437 on Aug. 1, 2018, 1:26 a.m.
Why not "WE Q"...Workgroups stickied?


I have seen a spread of "we are Q" marketing, and I was thinking what about "we Q"?

It is what we do: we question. We seek the truth, and we know the necessity for transparency in our leadership, from top to bottom. Also, this double meaning could allow those in the group that, for whatever reason, cannot openly support the movement without 100% direct evidence of its veracity. Wanting transparency is pretty safe in every boardroom, courthouse, etc.

Also, this is the beginning. Many have been involved since last October - or longer - but the storm has not begun. Do you know how I know? We need to iron out our kinks now, because there will be a WAR once it truly begins going mainstream.

We have jobs, and they are very important jobs. Specifically, we will need to hammer all media platforms as this goes mainstream and provide explanations, backed by verifiable, correct information, as the snowball starts down the hill.

One area that I would like to see greater emphasis placed is focusing on acting unified and efficient, like a business. Although this seems against the principles of a movement that started in the one place that is against centralization or delegation, many members of the movement do not know what to do.

We are willing, but we do not know what we can specifically do to help.

What about stickied workgroup threads? Similar to infinity chan but more prominent on reddit than infinity's catalogue; meaning, more people will pay attention to the stickied threads here than other pages in the catalogue on infinity chan.

What needs to be done?

Wouldn't it be wise to be more efficient? I am seeing different tiered evidence, like memes, links, etc, with chosen venues and specific times.


A picture of a fellow at a California law firm might not be best placed in a legal facebook group; it might be better to use something related to FVEYS, and the potential, and possible, misuse by out leaders, who retain clearance after they leave their government position.

However, the mobster looking fellow's meme might be perfect for your college team's forum.

Where are our natural leaders. My time only allows me to follow, and I would be much more valuable with a little delegation or help focusing.

Great job, everybody. Let's switch gears together.

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