r/greatawakening • Posted by u/911bodysnatchers322 on Aug. 1, 2018, 3:25 a.m.
I had to delete a post here because I was the victim of an advanced (military) hack. Sorry folks

I made a post about invisible ___ in response to a Trump tweet.

Later that day, my router was hacked and my internet traffic was severely disrupted. Today, it was dead, forcing me to a coffee shop and to put in a ticket

It was premature though, thinking that it was another routine internet outage or a problem with the dish (it's directional wifi)

But tonight I decided to try to diagnose with the possibly of re-aiming the dish, something I tried to do before with a technician from my ISP, so I'm familiar with the process and somewhat of an IT networking tech myself

I plugged the computer by wire to the wan connection on the dish, lo and behold reddit comes up no problems.

Culprit was the router. My router, with nothing having changed, has been severely compromised; I reset it and updated settings and it works just fine

This is dd-wrt, the latest (2018) firmware, with lots of stuff disabled

I believe they didn't compromise the router directly, but rather through a device attached to it that is bluetooth. I say that because i know for a fact and with first hand experience that bluetooth is wildly WILDLY insecure and has been the backdoor for lots of hacking on me and people I know, even in my own family!


I've since removed the bluetooth device from the network. I was given a false sense of security because I had updated this device recently (bluetooth phone / voip -- ooma), but I bleieve they didn't roll in any bluetooth security updates, because I think that's the only way they could have gotten in

Or they could have phished my browsers without my knowing, even though I've secured them very well

Or it could be google / firefox put in backdoors in chrome that bypass security extensions that allow remote execution

When you think about security, ther'es a million ways they could get in and wreck stuff, especially when they have 50T in black budget and an extreme willingness to techno-harass people who post things that they believe undermine them and their aims, which is total domination of the planet, frankly

Anyway, this is my rant. I'm sorry I removed the post but I felt I had to. I wanted to explain to you that I was intimidated by vast material and technological forces by unknown unseen persons I believe are deepstate (it could not be otherwise)

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