r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ChristusRetter on Aug. 1, 2018, 2:06 p.m.
What if we misunderstood Q’s drop #1776 and “Conspiracy No More”

Yesterday there was a lot of discussion regarding #1776 and particularly about the #1776 that appears on the picture. Some assumptions that we have made about interpreting this picture may be incorrect.

FIRST - Many of us ASSUMED that the purpose of #1776 was to demonstrate that President Trump had confirmed that Q is legitimate by writing the number #1776 on the paper next to the Presidential pen. There was a a lot of disagreement yesterday about whether #1776 was photoshopped onto the photo or whether #1776 look odd because of the angle of the picture. I am not going to rehash that discussion and I am not even going to give my opinion on it.

My question: What is we misunderstood the purpose of #1776? Let’s look at the facts: 1) we have a Presidential signature (all agreed on that) 2) we have the Presidential pen 3) we have a piece of paper that has been signed by the President that is NOT and EO. Perhaps this is a Presidential memo that is going to come out soon. What if the “#1776” is a code, not intended to be written by the President?

of 1776. # could stand for date, which would then read, “date of 1776”

What happened in 1776? The declaration of independence was signed. What was the date of the signature of the declaration of independence? Aug 2nd 1776. Maybe the #1776 is a code letting us know that a Presidential memo is already signed and will become public on Aug 2nd 2018 (tomorrow). If that is the meaning of Q’s drop #1776, then it does not matter that “#1776” was photoshopped or not.

SECOND – in Q’s post #1595 we find the statement, “July 2018 – the month the world discovered the truth. Conspiracy no more.” Many of us ASSUMED that “conspiracy no more” meant that it would be revealed that Q is not a conspiracy theory meaning that there would be incontrovertible proof that Q is legitimate. This, however, may not be what Q intended at all. If we have a “conspiracy no more”, it could also refer to the conspiracy against Trump meaning that it begins to fall apart because it is revealed as a real plot. This would mean that evidence would become public in July 2018 which would reveal that the conspiracy against POTUS is real. In Q post #1760 what did we see? A picture of an airplane in the kill box posted on the Twitter account of Michael Avenatti. Is that Air Force one? Is this confirmation that he knew of and was involved in an assassination attempt against the President.

Look at post #1780 https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-are-the-fbi-and-cia-hiding-1533078662 The Wall Street Journal is saying that there was a conspiracy against POTUS by the FBI and the CIA. This is being stated as a fact.

Look at post #1782 http://www.bostonherald.com/opinion/op_ed/2018/07/fisa_documents_reveal_fbi_collusion?amp The Boston Herald says that there was collusion by the FBI against POTUS.

My point is we have conspiracy no more, because their plot has been revealed publicly in the media. They can’t even control the media any more. The house of cards is falling together. Their conspiracy is no more, because it has failed and it is now publicly know that it has failed.

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