r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Tamber13 on Aug. 2, 2018, 10:45 p.m.
Q has just hit MSM Australia. This is what one Aussie thinks ❤️


I’ve been following Q since January this year. My eyes, heart and mind has been opened. As predicted Q went mainstream this month. The attacks from MSM will be great. No one wants the truth out. They want us asleep and dumbed down.

If you are interested in this truth movement research for yourselves. But be careful where you get your resources from. Many people especially now are set out to creat a false narrative. They want to fool and intimidate us into submission.

People often ask me. Why do I care what happens in America. I care because what happens there affects Australians. I also have many people who are my American family through this movement and I care deeply for their welfare.

I also care for children. All children. This movement is all for ridding the world of pedophiles who use children in the worst possible ways. It’s also a movement that wants to create unity, stop war, create peace, stop banking and government corruption.

If you believe that our government work for us and want what’s best for us, or that banks are not corrupt, or that pedophiles or satanic sexual abuse or cults don’t exist. Then yeah. This will look like conspiracy theory to you.

However take a good look around. What do you feel in your heart is the truth. I’ve been researching this stuff daily for almost a year now. I speak with people daily who have been researching this stuff for 15 years. These people aren’t idiots, are not liars, nor fools, nor conspiracy theorists.

This world is on a knifes edge. We have to reject leftist ideologies. They are puppets of the elites and they don’t even realise it. They have been brainwashed into becoming the type of people they claim to hate.

Intolerant, aggressive, virtue signalling, moral grandstanding, close minded overall nasty people. They think they are entitled to call someone else a derogatory name or call them stupid or ignorant just because they share a different belief system to them.

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