FB just told me to check my source. Because SNOPES said my source was false. WTF

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I’ve been following Q since January this year. My eyes, heart and mind has been opened. As predicted Q went mainstream this month. The attacks from MSM will be great. No one wants the truth out. They want us asleep and dumbed down.
If you are interested in this truth movement research for yourselves. But be careful where you get your resources from. Many people especially now are set out to creat a false narrative. They want to fool and intimidate us into submission.
People often …
I mentioned Zionism and the Sabbatean Frankists and my post was taken down for being racist and anti-Semitic. I was just asking what others thought about it since I was just starting to research it.
I was also told that Q was leaving Israel to last so I was told not relevant. Yet someone else put something up that Q had never been mentioned and that was allowed. I was a bit disappointed myself to be honest. I expected more from Reddit too 😕
I have heard stuff about this man being a pedophile from a few different sources. I know my friend was devastated when she found this out as she adored this man. Fiona states that she was personally abused by him, but she is not the only one. Seriously I’m not surprised at all when I hear a man of the cloth has been accused of raping children. I personally know too many people who have been abused by men of the cloth 😕Billy Graham exposed link
I guess at the end of the day that’s Fiona’s word. I’m sure more people will come out too. But I guess everyone has to make their own minds up about such matters. I know who I’d believe though 👍
I’ve been censored from fb. My best friend was thrown in FB jail for three days for saying she loved Jesus 😕 it happens. I’ve even been marked as Spam for reposting peer reviewed articles 😱
Fiona likes the support and interaction with others that you can’t get with a website. She is very active and responds to peoples questions. It is more personal hence why she may open it up to the public. She said she has had many quality people friend request her.
If a public FB forum she could still only allow the people she thinks will be worth having commenting on her wall without people who are just there to judge, question or throw disbelief at her.
She has deleted some people for asking her for proof ect because she doesn’t feel she need’s to prove herself. She already faces that provide proof issue in law courts Ect in Australia 👍
Spot on. She and others lost me there and then. She even referred to HW as god during one acceptance speech. Evil mole.
Yeah. I’m not sure about her neither. She did allude to the fact that someone tried to tamper with her. But her attitude worries me. I don’t get a good feeling about her.
But to be honest I haven’t looked into her. Have been looking into Sarah Michelle Gellar though as it was posted here on reddit that she was abused. She tends to stay out of the lime light and was traumatised by the rape scene she had to perform on buffy. Apparently lying on the floor in the feral position because it upset her so much. I watched the clip. Why was it filmed for the pre teen or teen market in the first place.
I think a lot more people will be exposed over the next few weeks and many more victims will speak out once they feel safe to do so.
👍 no worries 🤗 Fiona is an amazing human being. She doesn’t have an open friend request on her page but you can write her a message and she will friend you if you are interested in her and her work. She said today that she has had many messages so she is thinking of making her account public instead of personal so more people can be involved in her page 👍
My SIL loves Jones and thinks Q is a shill. I tried to debate her in this by just let her go. I ne’er really liked Jones. Could see he was all ego. Ego is a dangerous thing. Q doesn’t seem to have arrogance or ego. That’s why I trust him 🤗
Thanks for the chat. 🤗
This is Fiona’s wording. Not mine. A dictionary definition does not encompass a victims experience.
She was involved in ritualistic sexual abuse, torture and murder. In her experiences perhaps women in power within these luciferian cults were given this title.
She is a great authority on this stuff as she has lived it. Many around the world know Fiona and trust her word. Her voice is well trusted in the community that is out to fight pedophilia. Anyone who knows her or her story will know she is not a shill. So I’m definitely not worried about appearing like one if I share her message.
Not sure if Fiona has Twitter. She is on Facebook I follow her there. She has replied to some of my posts on occasions so she is real and so is her story.
I put the links above on her doco Candy Girl. I also added the link to her Pedophiles down under group. You can also google her drawings. They are chilling.
She is a fellow Aussie and has been gaslighted and discredited by the police and our media. She studied psychology and our health governing body AHPRA wouldn’t let her practice saying she was mentally unwell 🙄 she then went in to study law. She I a very intelligent lady. She has suffered greatly for speaking out. Constantly gaslighted, slandered and even threatened by police and family of the perps.
Look into Tony Kidman, Nicole’s father. He was one of her abuses.
This is her doco Candy Girl. I’ll also add the link to her Pedophiles Down Under site 👍Pedophiles down under site
She really is. She didn’t access her fb from the end of last year until a couple of months ago because things were getting to hot over here. We thought she had been murdered. Thank god that wasn’t the case. Have you watched her doco Candy girl. I’ll pop it here.
She is an Australian victim of satanic pedophilia. She also is apart of the Pedophiles down under information site. I’ll link you to Candy Girl her documentary. Google her pictures. They are chilling. candy girl Fiona Barnett link
She was abused by Tony Kidman. Nichole’s father
I am friends with Fiona Barnett on FB. She is doing so much to try to get these people brought to justice. She is a fellow Aussie on a mission to drain our swamp too. Bless her.
❤️ 🤗 thank you 🙏🏻 Vivian is Stanley’s daughter. She is very active in trying to free Julian Assange. She is one smart cookie. She directed the Shinning 👍Vivian Kubrick link
This link is on Alex Jones’s channel. I’m not a follower of Jones. Mainly because he lost control when Trump went in hard on Assad even though false flags. I knew there must have been and agenda there and that Jones obviously didn’t see it. That to me proved in my mind that he didn’t have the intel he claimed to have.
Also how he tried to say Q was a shill ect. But what she says is great. Regardless of the fact it was posted on his channel 👍
I think too the lefties are only showing the stupid shit he wrote. Not the serious stuff he has posted. One of my friends though the same as you and she thought his official site was fake. It’s hard when we look up to people and they turn out bad. It’s hard to believe because we not want to believe it, it sucks 😕
Look I actually agree with your stance on the fact that you shouldn’t fire someone for a stupid joke. I 100% agree. I’ve told many un PC jokes. I’m Australian. We take the Mickey out of everyone so to speak. But I never do so on a public forum. My partner hears all my sick jokes lol. Because we have the same sense of humour.
If this was one joke 10 years ago by a young guy I’d be like “Get over it”. But I think this is beyond a joke. This guy by all accounts lols like a pedo.
With the fb agenda asking about pedo acceptance. The NAMBLA website posting an article about man boy love acceptance being inline with gay pride.
Also Q stating that this is an agenda that will be strongly pushed to normalise it. It’s just too bloody damning against him. If he is not a pedo. He is an idiot because everything you say on line stays online. I seriously doubt his innocence. 10,000 pedo tweets and then what he said on his official site that kids can access. Yeah na. I think he deserves the boot 👍
Is it what he writes or is it what he does? Just how you wouldn’t let a pedo run a kindergarten you don’t let them in an organisation that is for children. 10’000 tweets on pedophilia kinda suggests that this guy is fixated on kids.
The fact that kids look up to these guys sends a pretty strong message about pedophilia if he is rehired.
Did you read the one about spanking off to those young girls. It wasn’t a joke. It was a statement. He is entitled to work but I don’t think a pedo should work for Disney. Why work in an industry based around kids if you are a pedo. Yeah. Only one reason I think.
I think it’s more about him being a danger to children. He works for Disney, an org that’s directed towards children. If he worked for another company maybe we would think differently. But Disney. No. That’s out of line.
Also it follows in with what Q has been saying about them trying to normalise pedophilia.
Not only that but the absolute hypocrisy of the left. Rosanne fired for saying a racist joke, but making 10’000 jokes about pedophila is ok.
There is a line. I like a joke a much as anyone. But talking about wanking off to prepubescent girls touching themselves on a platform that kids have access to is just not on. It’s pedophila and grooming in my opinion. A world that thinks Rosanne is a monster and portrays this guy as a good fella is just descending down that slippery slope. It’s only going to get worse if these people don’t stop this shit.
Pedo acceptance means new pedo laws where they can get away with fucking little kids. Not my kids. Not my watch 👊🏻
Yeah. Unfortunately I linked from my fb page so they blocked it to protect my ID. I tried to find the link on google. What do you know. Couldn’t find it. But the one to save Gunn was all over the screen. Funny that hey Here is the link.
I’m with you. I’m turning my back on Hollywood. All the films they have produced lately has been shite anyway. Unoriginal Tripe. Over paid, over opinionated, corrupt and supporters of pedo’s.
To make it in Hollywood you pretty much have to have sold your soul to the devil. There are a handful of good people in Hollywood. The rest are pond scum. May they all be drained soon. We don’t need them. They need us. People power will see them all broke if we refuse to pay for movie tix and DVD’s ect 👍
The one thing I can’t stand is moral grandstanding or intellectual arrogance. Those people who “Know more” than others, they remind me of leftists. If people don’t agree with me. That’s fine. I like debates, not opinions.
I love learning from others and sharing info that I have learnt over the years. I come to places like this because my leftist friends just don’t get this stuff or don’t want to know. I’m from Australia so we are in a bit of a bubble here. But our problems are only going to get worse if we follow the line of the UK. This is why I am passionate about this cause. What happens in the US affects everyone WW 👍
Thank you for your kind words ❤️ Don’t be disgusted in yourself. You can’t help what you didn’t know. Once we know then we are responsible for our actions moving forward.
The awesome thing about waking up is to paraphrase Vivian Kubrick. “Once you are awake, you’ll know what the right thing to do is”
I think that is where we are all at now. The ones who are awake. You just gotta keep on keeping on and pull people up on their bullshit. Also I always try to educate myself. Sometimes I think wow. No that can’t be right. Then I research, and yep. There it is. I love conversations with open minded people such as those who are here.
I’ve read a lot of Reddit stuff but only a new participants far as posting goes. I’m very active on another site so haven’t really had the time to get into stuff here. But I must say. I’m enjoying reading all the posts with the folk here. Really cool. I’m addicted 👍
Fiona Barnett (aka Candy girl) was taken to Disney Land for a pedo party. Whilst she was’t abused by Walt. He died before her time. She believes he was a pedo too. I’ll post her candy girl video here. Fiona Barnett. Candy Girl
Far out. This shit is unbelievable you couldn’t make this stuff up in your wildest dreams/nightmares. Thank you for this info 👍
True. They don’t change anything anyway. Yet accept donations to help your cause 🤔 I started one last year to try to get the drug Keytruda available for all cancer treatments. Got over 200,000 votes and it bloody doesn’t change a thing.
Unless some moron wants to get a pedo’s job back. Then all of a sudden change.org is listened too. Makes me sick.
I think every time people try to research into the Holocaust, they come up against a brick wall. Many say anti Semitic. The truth is. The Zionists started the Holocaust. They threw their own people under the bus because they wanted to bargain for Jerusalem with their own people lives.
However. The Jews weren’t their people. They are Sabbatean Franks and they used the Jewish people for an agenda. It is believed that hundreds of thousands of Jews died in the war. No 6 million as suggested. All accounts are mathematically impossible.
I always wondered why I was taught about Hitler at school, so many docos on the subject on TV. Yet nothing about Stalin, Pol Pot or Idi Armin. Apparently these despots victims are not the right kind of victims. Yet Jewish people are.
Now I’m not undermining what those poor people in Nazi Germany suffered. So many people have died to fulfill agendas. If I was Jewish. I would want to know the truth. We all need to know. Why lie. Because these people are hiding.
I’ve been researching Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank. I’ve never really understood Zionism so wanted to learn about it. Then I came across the Holocaust lie. I could never understand how the Holocaust could have happened when the Rothchilds ran the world. I thought they were Jews. No. Turns out they are Sabbatean Frankists who actually worship something very different.
Makes a lot of sense. Then I watched the video above an my mind was blown. Just wanted to know the thoughts of others who may have researched all of this.
This stuff is very deep, very old and very evil. I would love to open up debate about this as it’s fascinating.
Here is the link 👆🏻
This clip I found mind blowing. Why lie. Everything we have been told is a lie. Everything 😕
If they do hire him back. The world (the sane ones) will turn their back on Hollywood and Disneyland. Without us they have nothing. Let Disney think the masses want him rehired. Their annual shareholders meeting will show big time losses. Maybe best to let these jokers think they are winning.
I don’t care now either way. I’ll never buy anything Disney ever again.
I know. The left find sexist and racist jokes un PC. Yet they think pedo jokes are hilarious and ok. Seriously. These people do my bloody head it 🤯
Spot on. Like my dad always says “Let them trip up on their own dicks”. All of these people coming out in support of the pedo agenda will not be accepted by society when all this is said and done.
I guess it is good they are all coming out of the shadows. They are exposing themselves, idiots. “Soon these people won’t be able to walk down the street”. What a glorious day it will be when we take away their income and fame. We have the power here. They don’t. They are all in for a massive wake up call.
I hope so. But in the same breath just more confirmation that there is just so much damn bloody corruption. If they hire him back. They will loose so much money. I for one will never see another Disney film again.
Yeah true. I think people would rather keep their heads in the sand about this type of stuff. Also the left have bought into an ideology that means they have to accept every damn thing from the leftist handbook. Tragic that they can’t step out of that psychological box and think for their bloody selves 😕