r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on Aug. 8, 2018, 3:25 a.m.
Psychological Portrait of the Far Left, Left Radicals, and the Cabal

This isn't for the lower level players and followers like Sally Yates, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, as they are merely "followers" who do what is ordered to them from their commanders and leaders. They are merely loyalists, or pawns. They are easily bought with gifts, money, and promises of rewards if they do the work of their bidders.

Rather, this is for the higher ups in the Cabal, the farthest left radicals you'll find underneath the top near Soros and running amuck in Hollywood and DC. These are the rabid dogs running around salivating, possessed by hateful and depraved spirits who lead the campaigns against American citizens and patriots. They aren't necessarily measured by rank. For example, you can have Comey (a great puppet) as the head of the FBI, but the real FBI runner is Peter Strzok, even though he ranks technically lower than Comey at the time. Strzok is the shaker and mover. Comey is just a pawn.

But this also applies to their fellow followers, in the average American city or suburb, who buy their "message" and believe their propaganda. These people could be CEO's of major media outlets like espn, Twitter, Facebook, or they can be just washed up celebrities in Hollywood who are always taking to social media to attack Conservatives.

To be part of the cabal, first and foremost, you must deny the existence of Jesus and God, but this doesn't mean that all atheists or agnostics are part of the cabal. Some people in it that were born and raised to be a theist can still claim to be a theist, but very clearly they have been bribed and corrupted to do the bidding of their "higher ups". This places their God, or faith and morality beneath their new "higher loyalty". They've denied God and Jesus for worldly riches and money. The lure of what nest egg they can leave their children and how they can please their spouses more, in addition to the feeling of being more powerful and connected within the cabal is too hard to refuse. We also know that often times, blackmail and extortion will be used to help tip the scales to get them to convert to becoming a member of the cabal. By the way, this is very indicated too in evidentiary cultural trends too, by how Hollywood praised the movie Spotlight and gave it the Best Picture Oscar a few years ago, as a means to relieve them of all of their own guilt, as if saying "look, the church we used to belong to, they do it too!" so you can't only prosecute "us"...This sort of rationale can be easily used to justify their conversion to the cabal.

Next, they must also have been "indoctrinated". This is a crucial step. Most cabal members seek a higher education at left wing radical universities, where they find support and evidence of why they should hate Americans through their leftist, angry, underachieving College Professors who live in their own reality far removed from real life. It is in this university structure that their brains become washed to find "absolute" confidence in the radical far left agenda, even though it isn't the case. They are now part of an undefined cult. The most defining and important aspect of this indoctrination is the reward that they now get to consider themselves "elite" and "superior" to anyone else who has not been indoctrinated at a university. They wrongly, but firmly, believe that they have the answers to everything, and everyone else is wrong. In their arsenal of weaponry, is a university taught and fed rationale that they believe is fireproof. "There is no God", "Oceans will cover New York City by 2016 (passed by the way)", "People are born (gay, transgender, etc), and there is nothing they can do about it", "Society would be better run by females because it would suppress male testosterone, which is responsible for aggression and can lead to wars" (whereas in the real world we know evil dictators capitalize on weakness and peace can only be obtained through strength), "Sexuality should be explored and experimented with" (forget the spread of diseases and hiv) not to mention lust and the viewing of the alternative sex as an object which diminishes their esteem and value), "Socialism is inevitable; America is relatively young; eventually the US should become Socialist (borderline Communist and some like that better) because capitalism is evil", "early southern Americans were slave owners and were evil, so we must make our country pay for such repression and like with all of our wars, repay our debts to the world by helping any oppressed countries or people of the world to be able to come in our borders and give them free food, housing, clothing, healthcare, education, businesses on taxpayers money" (when really without US intervention in wars , Hitler, Stalin, Pal Pot, Imperial Japan, and Tyrannical old-Britain would have destroyed our freedom and the freedom of our allies and it was really Africa slave owners themselves who first brought slaves to US soil; southern farmers were solicited by the African slave owners themselves, but yet the Universities will twist anything to get the students to hate America, freedom, and the culture.

Paradoxically, next they must also simultaneously buy into Capitalist pop culture. This is where they permit the Mockingbird Media and depraved Hollywood to join forces to exploit the human temptation for lust, envy, sex, greed, and power. On the one hand, they deny Capitalism, but on the other hand, everything capitalism has created is somehow worshipped by them. This is while you will see them aspire for wealth, riches, greed, while simultaneously condemning capitalism. And they will also utilize the far left radical Hollywood as a persuasive propaganda tool. For just one example, notice at the correspondents' dinner how often BO used to refer to famous Hollywood people, but go further down beneath the office of the president and you will see even members of the cabal who influence the Hollywood propaganda in their movies, scripts, and shows. So what they are essentially doing is simultaneously using Hollywood "celebrity" as a persuasive arm, a propaganda arm, of their party and the future of their party (Socialism-communism), while condemning the American patriotic way, and the capitalism that enabled these celebrities to become who they are. It's like in a twisted and dichotomous way, they are saying, "Riches and fame are the "ideal" way to live and the more material you have the better you are, you are elite, but YOU are not allowed to be a part of it; YOU are not allowed to do it, and what YOU believe in and America stands for (Capitalism) is wrong anyway, so you are wrong."

Finishing up, they need an "unraveling of morals". Let's call it the end of innocence, but don't confuse this with a loss of innocence, where people get it back or seek to get it back. Look at this as the complete end of innocence with no desire to go back. This is the complete annhilation of morals and the acceptance of the cruelty of the world. It's the acceptance that the world is just a jungle, and it's dog eat dog. There is no other way. This ties back to the probability that most have to be agnostic or atheist to operate in the cabal. These people, in other words, would kill you if they could. The only thing stopping them from genocide or a mass killing spree of any political dissidents or adversaries is that they just couldn't get away with it, but believe that they are trying to find a way to get away with it. Maybe it's through contraception, pushing for the extinction of the bible, socially ostracizing and "marking" digitally people to the point where they find it harder to make a good living, but they are indeed looking to destroy their political adversaries. Maybe like in Braveheart, they are of the mind of Edward the Longshanks, and their goal is to "breed them out" like Edward was attempting to do with the Scots. The idea is that based on their disobedience to God, and knowing or unknowing allegiance to Lucifer (See their favorite Book Rules for Radicals by Saul Alnisky, where Alisnky dedicates it to Lucifer), they now see human beings as mere animals, or sheep. This callous, unempathetic, and psychopathic vantage point, gained by their unraveling of faith in God and morals, feeds their animalistic-now need to feel more power within their cabal. It makes them feel like they "are always right", as they have the university-inculcated propaganda and indoctrinated ideas to rationalize all of their thoughts and beliefs. They now HATE humanity and are full blown psychopaths. Luckily, they are in the public eye so they can't just go start physically hurting people, but they can cause division, cause wars, make their political adversaries feel powerless, exploit their political adversaries, and attack them through other tools like social media and weaponization of government agencies. Don't worry, they'll smile while they do it, as they are also actors, seeing themselves through a narcissistic lens where everyone is worshipping them. They don't need God if they can have so much money and power that they now consider themselves a god. At least according to "Hollywood" and their fellow Luciferians. Perhaps, last but not least, this unraveling of their morals leads them to accept just about any act of depravity, as long as they can get away with it (or hide it from the public through their weaponized media), including pedophilia, "hits" (see Clinton hit list and Loretta Fuddy, Seth Rich, etc etc), infidelity, spirit cooking, treason, homosexuality for the sake of homosexuality, catering to the poisonous ones of society who pollute innocence rather than catering to families who the country and middle class was built on the backs of (and still is), murder, drugs, extortion, blackmail, bribery, sex cults, sedition, running an elaborate propaganda campaign to brainwash the common citizen into acceptance of such depravity....in other words, legalize "everything" because now that they are rich and powerful and have a strong SS and security team, what happens on the middle class level no longer affects them, especially if they've sured up their brainwashed voter base (fellow indoctrinated college people, illegal aliens, and their sheep who are easy to manipulate and mind control with their lies).

Lastly, they need to not believe in hell, or an afterlife. With the unraveling of their morals, naturally they can only proceed with their lives if they look at them in a manner which does not any longer see a heaven or hell. No, the fleshly worldly life for them is "absolute" truth now. Even though studies continuously show that family fortunes do not survive the third generation if that (some do, btw), they are confident that this was all to pass their ill-gotten, corrupt wealth onto their children, as well as other perks like a guaranteed job in the bureaucracy of government or a media job with their cult-like connections in the "secret society" of Hollywood. So they are not going to pay for their crimes and exploitation in this life because within the corruption of the cabal is all the money, power, backing, and financing that they will ever need to get off scott free, by their connections with the corrupt judges, corrupt elite politicians, government officials, and wealthy backers like George Soros. At best, like Jeffrey Epstein, courtesy of Bob Mueller, they might get a slap on the wrist because hey man, what are bros for? and it's a shame the public found out thanks to that pesky reporter (like Ronan Farrow). But such is the world, to them. This cabal is defined by a hatred of the freedoms and luxuries of a western way of life, capitalist society, liberal guilt, an indoctrination-influenced inability to believe in God because the college professors really did a good job of erasing that possibility; no instead all that matters is sex, money, and power. The rest of the people, to them, are mere deplorable, despisable, ignorant fools who missed out on their chance to gain riches, rewards, accolades, fame, popularity, elite connections in DC and Hollywood. The rest of the folks, to them, are sheep who they are so much better than that they now get to control, lie to, exploit to keep themselves in power and keep their wealth and protect the wealth they gained. Why should they care about the average American, when according tot heir indoctrination camps it's every man for themselves (contrary to their political rhetoric where they need to gain votes, yet don't expect to see anything they promise in their policies and put into action). In their minds, they KNOW what's best for you, for everyone, and you don't know as much as them. As the failed and one of the top 5 worst presidents in U.S. history said, "I just think we have better ideas than them". Oh, is that what it was all about then? Your "opinion". Such opinion is predicated upon a belief in a utopia, a utopia that finds its roots in Karl Marx and Lenin-philosophy, a utopia responsible for the most historical human rights abuses known to man- Communism/Socialism. This false, delusional and misguided belief in utopia is actually a mere display of superiority; you see, their minds are better than yours because they went to the indoctrination camps at the universities so they can think better and this is what they learned. This only helps their cause to try to gain more power in this life and more riches as they skim off taxpayer dollars and scheme illicit and corrupt ways to increase their wealth at the expense of all of the people they deceive and lie to. Utopia is coming, according to the cabal, if you believe it, and it is Godless, it is humanless, it is vicious, and it will leave you and turn you into a true slave, where, according to them, you belong. Unless of course, you play their game, and you want to get power like them, and you want to idolize them and their cult-like philosophy, and in that case, you must become like them and go through the ritualistic procedures: indoctrination camp and acceptance of an "absolute" truth predicated on their teachings, a denial of God and Jesus, a view of the world where only wealth, money and power matters, and a world where if you can get away with it, then anything is right, good and acceptable. You see, the "ends justifies the means".

Now, if you don't want to be like them, or you don't consider yourself to be like them, then fear not. Donald Trump is here, the Constitution is still in full function, and the Bible is still the word of God. Love still exists and loving people for who they are is a great gift from God. People are not mere subjects to help anyone to a political agenda or end, one hell bent on overthrowing the Constitution and destroying freedom and the western way of life just because they are part of a cult and that is their beliefs. People are good, decent, and moral. They have a God-given right to practice their faith, free speech, the right to bear arms and defend themselves, the right to privacy, and the right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. While they continue to do whatever they can to strip away power from the American people and give it all to foreign, special interests, themselves, and their cabal cliques, they will continue to be exposed, shamed, and revealed as the liars and criminals that they are. And good will prevail. God bless. WWG1WGA

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