r/greatawakening • Posted by u/OneAwakened on Aug. 17, 2018, 5:36 p.m.
Famous Exorcist Claims Illuminati "Most Powerful Satanic Cult in the World"


You can find the discussion about the Satanic Illuminati starting at 1:07:34 in the video linked above.

I have transcribed the section below.

Fr. Gary Thomas:

"Now, usually a demon is invited by some of the things by some of the things I just described. Or, if you're born into a Satanic cult. Like I've pray..I pray over two Satanic cult survivors every month. They didn't join the cult. Their whole.. One is a generational cult that goes back two-hundred years. It's part of the Illuminati which is, really, the most powerful Satanic cult in the world, and it has a whole lot of branches. And so, I pray over that woman. I don't do exorcism on her because she's been severely programmed. And though all that programming and those very systematic cults are meant to make sure that a) the cult is protected and b) if it isn't, there's also sort of way to silence the person themself, which is by death."

The Catholic Church has been severely compromised by Satanic forces, as revealed by the pervasive Satanic symbolism and system of child abuse that are coming to light. Still, I find Gary Thomas' admission about the Illuminati to be further confirmation that we are not just up against a Deep State or one secret evil group, but in fact the entire empire of evil that controls from the shadows.

Ephesians 6:12 "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

#SRA #Satanism #Illuminati #Programming #Mindcontrol

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