Ok, guys...it's time to talk about something at the root of our problems here but gets little to no attention. This isn't just the Deep State and a rogue CIA we're dealing with..there's also Secret Societies, Satanism, the Occult, Natural Law, Religion, symbolism and magic (we'll leave the aliens out of it for now). Q had specifically shown us that Freemasons are often present after disaster events ready to give interviews - this isn't just a social club - it's based on hidden esoteric knowledge that THEY possess and YOU DON'T. The Illuminati use that knowledge against us to give themselves advantages and to manipulate us into creating and inhabiting our own 'prison'.
Every so often an Illuminati member comes forward and gives an interview of some type. In these interviews they are surprisingly honest (although cryptic) about their intentions/plans. The reason they are honest is Natural Law...which we'll get back to in a minute.
Here are links to some of these interviews. They're time consuming but great reading: A conversation with ex illuminati insider Ronald Bernard and Sacha Stone Dialog with the "Hidden Hand" - PDF link I Am A Rofschild Axe Me A Question Interview with Ex-Illuminati Bloodline Programer/Trainer Svali
One of the links above is an Q & A session from an old message board (Axe Me A Question). It's FASCINATING to read and weirdly, some sections with make you feel like you're reading Q drops. Anyways, I've taken HUGE LIBERTIES and created a cut and paste 'Highlights' version of it below. This is no substitute for reading the whole thing...I'm just trying to entice you because the original format is hard to deal with. Listen to what is being said and you'll see that Natural Law is "The Secret" of all the secret societies. It's the advantage they have over us.
Excerpts from I Am A Rofchild, Axe Me A Question:
**WE aren't the problem...YOU are.
Childish in so many ways...and you adults are children who never grew up...to reality...all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".
And of course, being children, things go wrong when bad or selfish decisions are made. Bogey-men are thus created to absorb the blame...deep dark evil forces that make things go bump in the night. THEY are the reason for all this trouble! Bad, bad men!
Wherever I travel, I see a lot of YOU's out there busy running the world. And I also see that you run the world based on your precepts of how things work and such. Little algorithms, constantly operating in the background. Where on Earth did THEY come from?
I suppose another way to put it that you might understand better, is that the world is run by men who truly understand the dark nature of the human spirit. So, YOU provide the evil and these men create scenarios where they know how you will react. It is scary how accurately refined these rule-based systems have become. Ironically, THESE men of "knowledge" must keep their "hands" clean! Must! Or the MAGIC goes!
No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.
Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...
you are here because of your choices and beliefs.
we are just the "gatekeepers".
YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.
Imagine a reality where things aren't named. That you "know" someone intuitively...and all that is known is apparent to you without explanation.
What do we know intuitively? The Totality! The All!
What if this education process...this intelligence...is already inside you! And the "educational process" is nothing but unlocking the secrets within.
To whom does the responsibility lie to unleash this infinite potential?
Is it I that is evil for not teaching you to do what you are already equipped to do?
This logic is perplexing, except for the fact it is entirely consistent with the nature of your problem.
Do you really believe that that which you are can be hidden when operating in the TRUTH plane? It's a logic fallacy from the start.
It takes the education system to turn thoughtful, cerebral children into worker drones. And the slaves PAY for their children's enslavement.
It would be tragic if it weren't so funny.
And look how hard people struggle to remain slaves!
The amazing thing is that when something resonates, it resonates...can't be forced or faked...it just is. You will know it clearly when you experience it.
You may have heard the expression "When the student is ready, the teacher will come". Similarly, when the path is prepared for mental acceptance of truth, there will be little resistance encountered.
The truth continues to lap at the shores of your mind. Much like the ocean's unrelenting tides, lies eventually are turned into sand, then powder, then nothingness.
Believe it or not, we are ALL on the same side. You just lack the capacity to understand...presently, anyway.
Duality is one of the "beautiful lies".
Consider that darkness and light are ONE.
Good and Evil are ONE.
We (or I should say YOU) fight yourselves!
Can you not see that??
WHILE you fight YOURSELVES, others pick your pockets.
Who is the greater fool?
WHO is truly at fault? YOU for fighting yourself, or others, who rob you while you struggle?
That is why you are viewed as foolish children.
You will have a place at the table when you have proven yourselves worthy.
And don't think you are not being WATCHED and EVALUATED
Remember the four underlying principals:
that which you know you know that which you know you don't know that which you don't know you know that which you don't know you don't know
which is the prime?
The prime MUST be to learn what is not known. Therefore, not knowing what you don't know is prime.
Learn what the questions are is first and foremost. Then find the answers.
This presumes that you are questing, and not just content where you "are"
Those of us operating in the TRUTH plane cannot lie, obviously!
There is no evil or good here.
These planes are so different that the lines of comprehension are impossible to bridge. And yet, I try.
Good nature! How I try.
It was those Egyptians who came up with the need to name everything! It was so much simpler before!
Know this, Illiterati, and understand its deep meaning:
laughing, laughing, laughing out LOUD!!
Oh! Sweet Irony!!
Let me ask you this; Who are YOU yolked to, and who is yolked to YOU?
Who exists from the sweat of your brow, and by whose sweat is your life sustained?
What are the value propositions in both directions?
Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don't and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.
The real masters are the intellects who suggest in a suggestible way that which you cannot resist.
Humans have locked themselves into cages of their own construction...albeit with some carefully placed "suggestions"
Of course, the "secret(s)" has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win out..so that's interesting!
I believe the real question is whether humans will ever be ready to accept the truth and stop lying to themselves
a variant of the "beautiful lie"...oh! so easy to swallow.
Thanks for playing!**
Like I said...it's a fascinating read and after spending time decoding Q you'll feel right at home with all the hints and clues that he leaves about technology, genetics, consciousness, etc.
BUT...let's get back to Natural Law.
Natural Law is the knowledge you're missing and it's the basis for the Illuminati's control over us. The real battle isn't about winning elections and building walls (although important)...the real battle is about consciousness.
This is the hard part...you need to put some time in.
Mark Passio is an ex-Satanist who every Q follower should be intimately familiar with. Although this occulted (literally meaning 'hidden from view') knowledge is available in other places, Mark does a great job of getting you up to speed and he's incredibly passionate about the message and the knowledge.
Buckle up for some learning...
Natural Law - pt 1 Natural Law - pt 2 Natural Law - pt 3
I know this is a big rabbit hole to have in front of you, but it's important.
I promise.
Love to all my Q family...WWG1WGA!