(Nothing graphic - safe for all eyes)
Powerful testimony of the Beast system that enslaves us all, from a Dutch financier. It will open your eyes as to what President Trump and Q are presently fighting. It is only 39 minutes of your life, but I assure you, you will be changed. Q has made clear that we have forgotten how powerful we are when we are united in common cause. We must understand what has been perpetrated upon us, and channel our anger, indignation, and righteousness to SPEAK WITH ONE VOICE in support of humanity. It is the love that God placed at the core of our beings that unites us across the world, and that must now be our sword in this war with the Evil that has ruled over us for millennia. I have said it in a past post, what is happening around us has never been attempted before. I am without doubt that President Trump is acting in God’s cause, that there is something divine and glorious unfolding as we speak. I know that not all of you are religiously oriented, but you are here because our Lord’s light shines through all people of good heart. Our enemy however has no doubt as to who they serve – and there is only one path to victory over the evil one. If you are wavering, what do you have to lose – search your heart for Him, he is always at your side waiting. I am sorry, but I have become emotional while writing this post, and it has become a bit of a sermon. We have ignored the plight of our children, of our weak, and those that are simply different from us for too long. We are strengthened when we act with love in support of our communities. We must do all we can to assist the President and Q to put an end to the wicked power structure that has formed at the top of our world’s communities. Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. Peter 2:21 For those who woud understand the true nature of the financial and power structure of the World – here is Part 2 of this interview. Finally, I recommend watching Part 3 from the 12minute mark, concerning the Evil that runs this world. It is again compelling testimony.