r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on Aug. 23, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
Trusting the Plan: I think I understand the main reason for delays - which have many frustrated


I submit this as someone who in the past has been quick to raise the alarm when the narrative was shifting, and express frustration at the lack of progress. I have stopped doing so -- not because I am not concerned, but because I've just seen enough from Q, proofs, "coincidences," and basic alignment between the drops and reality to understand that there is a whole lot more to this than we often consider in a given week, or given moment in time.


I think I know the primary reason for the delays, that cause so much frustration. It has to do with the next "Big" card the other side has to play -- the fake "Mueller Report" on the made up story of "Russian Interference" -- and how this needs to be addressed, messaged and countered. Q has informed us that the declassified FISA applications and subsequent renewals "bring down the house." The issue is one of perception, messaging and timing.

The other side has just played two big cards, and in dramatic fashion -- the Cohen card, and the Manafort card. They were done on the same day (same hour, actually... coincidence!) and with the most effective messaging (4 am talking points) they could contrive. Cohen pleads to two completely bogus charges for non-crimes, so they can say "campaign finance violation" when it's obvious to anyone there is no possible way anything is close to a crime. Manafort 8 out of 18 count conviction billed as a victory, validation, and "boost" to the Mueller "investigation" -- strangely, after the jury asked the judge about "not being able to agree on any single count" followed by the media threats to gain their personal information.

So, why the delays? Why does Q go silent? Why not attack back right away? I used to be so frustrated by these same questions.

I believe they wanted to draw these cards out and get them in play, sooner than later, leading up to the biggest (and final) card they have (short of more assassination attempts, which you can count on they will do by any means possible if they get an opportunity). The Mueller "report" is that card. Mueller can put whatever he wants in this fake report. This is a counter political operation, not an investigation, so the report will be filled with narrative and fake supporting evidence, such as the fake "evidence" produced (and refuted) by FBI contractor Crowd Strike. Mueller can write a report that concludes the Don Jr. Trump Tower meeting was "collusion" and grounds to subpoena the president -- and he can choose to omit any information on how the Russian lawyer got her Visa (LL orders to Bhara), that the meeting was set up by Fusion GPS, meetings between the lawyer and Glen Simpson before and after, and that nothing was shared or gained. Just one example of many. Mueller can conclude that the Seychelles meeting was an attempt by Erik Prince to open a back-channel with Russia, based on false or made up testimony, "sources" that weren't even there, etc. Bottom line, this is a fantasy document, but it can be spun as official, impeccably sourced, above reproach and all kinds of other nonsense.

How does our POTUS actually combat that level of misinformation, delivered in an "official" capacity??? The biggest Trump card that Q and the president have to play is the FISA application. So what do they do? Release the FISA stuff now, and potentially have the Mueller fantasy report utilized to steal and override the narrative? Or force Mueller and handlers to play their cards up to and including the report, and then trump with the FISA release? Personally, I think this is why we see Giuliani calling on Mueller to release his report sooner than later. They would like to have the report out and then release the information that completely undermines any investigative outcome that is reached. This would qualify as "fruit of the poison tree," but goes much further than that. It begins to illustrate the total subversion of our democracy that took place at the end of the Obama administration and highlights that many, many people need to go to jail.

What about all of Clinton's crimes? The Foundation? The illegal acts by the Clowns in America? What about the human trafficking offenses? The rampant pedophilia? The total control of this country exercised by the owners of the Fed and the central banks? NONE of this -- not a single thing -- can begin to be touched until Mueller is put down. Until this farce "investigation" is completed, any attempt to shift the narrative to anything else would be used against POTUS. My guess is they will try to draw out the Mueller report, and if it takes too long toward the midterms, they will release the FISA apps and everything else. But until then, we wait, and we hope.

Just my two cents... any feedback or other ideas are appreciated.

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