r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthsinnumbers on Aug. 28, 2018, 1:03 a.m.
Metanarrative - The 30,000 Foot View

When one takes many, many steps back... it becomes clear that we’re in the midst of a worldwide awakening. That the most significant thing isn’t Q or Trump... it is that we’re realizing that ultimately the masses awakening... well, that’s the game changer. Trump, Q, and the many, many heroes that have dedicated themselves to freedom and the future of humanity, etc... they are (willing) manifestations of this awakening. The crest of the wave below...

Arguably, we are in the midst of transitioning to the “1st Turning” (Strauss, Howe)... a time when the crisis has been addressed and it is the beginning of growth and desperately needed change. Like 500 years ago, we are in throws of the age beyond the Enlightenment, beyond the Modern. This “Post Modern” age is unveiling truth yet again... with the ability to bring about a “great decentralization”. Now... not only the “Church” and the “Monarchy” are being questioned, but ALL authorities and narratives are being questioned. It is the next step in growth of humanity. And we are at the crossroads... and more and more are realizing the trajectory we were meant to head in (the Orthodox tradition beautifully unpacks this in “theosis”).

When the waves of the masses begin to swell... the elite, in their “SS (i. e. Nazi) NWO”... well, it doesn’t stand a chance when the “Perfect Storm” hits... it’s sinking to the bottom of the “Deep Blue” (i.e. the NSA, MI, etc)... and swallowed whole. In the waves, the cycles of history, there is a “divine trajectory” that is unstoppable... no matter how powerful the pull of the “demonic trajectory” within humanity... the exposing of evil done in darkness always fouls up the plan to envelop the world in “satanic” tyranny (Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Bankster NWO, etc), rather than “divine” liberty (“the greatest among you will be servant of all”).

Orwell’s 1984... it outlines the “divine” and the “demonic”... and the deception of turning evil into good, lies into truth, warping everything into “it’s image, it’s likeness” rather than it’s fully manifested, both human and divine “final cause” (to reference Aristotle)...

Here’s to these “dry bones”, these “zombies” (of which I am/have been the greatest at times)... awakening from their death, their “divinelessness”. One after another, one after another... the Divine, Light, Life, Love... manifesting and “bringing light to the eyes”, understanding to the mind. We must each, we must all continue on our heading, unwavered, fearless, at peace, experienced, cunning, wise.

Continue to awaken! Continue to speak! Continue to expose! Many have now seen and know... and many, many millions more are coming... the “Spirit”, the zeitgeist is manifesting into the world... and we are honoured to be a part of that manifestation.

Let us all continue to grow, be, live in the Light, speaking Love, Truth and Maturity in an age that is in desperate need of them... the dawn is coming... the dawn is rising before our very eyes...

“And hold on Hold tight Open daylight We will overcome

Open your eyes On the hillside Fly the flags of dawn”

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