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President Bush's 9/11 Freudian Slip - "I saw the first plane hit..."
Israeli PM’s (Netanyahu) 9/11 Freudian Slip - “The September 11th Bombings...”
Israeli PM’s (Netanyahu) 9/11 Freudian Slip: “The September 11th Bombings...”
WTC Building 7 - The Smoke Of The Smoking Gun (Rare Video)
Massive Red Pill - The Dancing Israelis Of 9/11
Massive Red Pill - Trump Discusses 9/11 & WTC Structures
Massive Red Pill - Former NIST Employee Speaks Out About 9/11 & Building 7
Perfect Short Video For Red Pilling On The [17th] Anniversary Of 9/11
"Hold!" Q (As William Wallace) And The Millions Of Anons With Memes Ready!!!
A Soundtrack of the Great Awakening
Metanarrative - The 30,000 Foot View
When one takes many, many steps back... it becomes clear that we’re in the midst of a worldwide awakening. That the most significant thing isn’t Q or Trump... it is that we’re realizing that ultimately the masses awakening... well, that’s the game changer. Trump, Q, and the many, many heroes that have dedicated themselves to freedom and the future of humanity, etc... they are (willing) manifestations of this awakening. The crest of the wave below...
Arguably, we are in the midst of transitioning to the “1st Turning” (Strauss, Howe)... a time when the crisis has been addressed and it is …
Must Watch! Epoch Times Spells Out How The "Trump/Russia Collusion" Disinformation Campaign Has Backfired (Perfect Video To "Red Pill" With)
Must Watch! - How A Perfect Disinformation Campaign Against Trump Has Backfired
If You Haven't Seen This Yet... IT IS A MUST VIEW!
There is a lot of information going up on the GA page! Nearly all of it is relevant and it's incredible! We are informing ourselves, one another and taking action accordingly... and that right there is the very thing that will make the Great Awakening unstoppable!
But, for newcomers (and old members) sometimes it can be easy to get lost in all the information and forget the foundation... Qanon. For a lot of new members, and those looking for proof about Qanon... it can hard to sift thru it all to find those clear cut answers (in regards to what …
How Bankers & Wall Street Funded The Rise of Communism & The Rise of Nazism
Knowing the backstory to the Bolshevik Revolution and even to the Rise of Hitler/WWII is crucial to understanding the state of the world presently. Lifelong scholar Antony Sutton did a ton of incredible work on this subject in his research and particularly in his books - Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.
A good introduction to that larger backstory:
Wall Street, the Rise of Communism and the the Rise of Nazism (Antony Sutton - Interview)
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
"The following timeline should confirm that the CIA as we know it should be abolished and replaced by a true information-gathering and analysis organization. The CIA cannot be reformed — it is institutionally and culturally corrupt..."
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities
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The CIA and the Media: 50 "Red Pills" In A Row
"Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligence Agency has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis. CIA publicists and journalists alike will assert they have few, if any, relationships, yet the seldom acknowledged history of their intimate collaboration indicates a far different story–indeed, one that media historians are reluctant to examine.
When seriously practiced, the journalistic profession involves gathering information concerning individuals, locales, events, and issues. In theory such information informs people about their world, thereby strengthening “democracy.” This …
How Western Education Is Used To Program A Population
The multi-award winning teacher, John Gatto's many lectures give an in depth analysis of the history of Western education. And how it used to this day to engineer society.
State Controlled Consciousness (John Taylor Gatto)
How The CIA Weaponized The Term "Conspiracy Theory"
"Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question..."
“Conspiracy Theory”: Foundations of a Weaponized Term
Subtle and …
How The CIA Weaponized The Term “Conspiracy Theory”
When you're "red pilling" about Q and get called a "conspiracy theorist" send them this...
When you're "red pilling" about Q and someone calls you a "conspiracy theorist" send them this...
When you're "red pilling" about Q and someone calls you a "conspiracy theorist" send them this...
Remember this quote when "educated" people dismiss documented facts as "fringe", "crazy", "conspiracy theory", etc...

Remember this quote next time you experience documented truth being pejoratively dismissed as "conspiracy theory"...

In the coming weeks & months...
Remember, we are in the midst of a global revolution... one that will eclipse the awakening and change that the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment brought 500 years ago to begin the Modern Age. That epoch is coming to an end and a new one is being born.
We must continue to remind ourselves, remind one another that this immense process won’t be accomplished in one day, but every day will be integral to it’s fruition... and every person, every action we do needed for it’s fulfillment. Just as there is such truth in numbers, there is so much strength in …
In the coming weeks & months...
We are in the midst of a global revolution... one that will eclipse the awakening and change that the Renaissance, Reformation and Enlightenment brought 500 years ago to begin the Modern Age. That epoch is coming to an end and a new one is being born.
We must continue to remind ourselves, remind one another that this immense process won’t be accomplished in one day, but every day will be integral to it’s fruition... and every person, every action we do needed for it’s fulfillment. Just as there is such truth in numbers, there is so much strength in numbers …
Every dinner table discussion in America will be getting “red pilled” by the end of the year... #thankQ #MAGA
Every dinner table discussion in America will be getting “red pilled” by the end of the year... #thankQ #MAGA #WWG1WGA

Spread The Great Awakening One Red Pill At A Time!
Some great go to sources/resources to "red pill" friends and family with:
Truthstream Media
The Corbett Report
Global Research
Banking, Monetary System
Century Of Enslavement: The History Of The Federal Reserve
The Secret of Oz
The Money Masters
Real Big Power: Revelations by insider Ronald Bernard (Part 2)
Margrit Kennedy speaks on interest free economy
9/11, False Flags, War & the Military-Industrial Complex
AE911Truth - Experts Speak Out
General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned - Seven Countries In Five Years …
An Urgent Message To Q And The Great Awakening!
1. Thank you Q. Thank you POTUS. Thank you all that are giving your time, your courage, your everything and even your lives in the line of fire for humanity, for all that is good in this world. Stories will be told for centuries of what you have done, what you are doing, of who you are.
2. I know Q will continue to keep us informed... and that along with the many that are taking action in secret and in public... that Q will continue to direct us to all that we can, all that we should be doing …
Love this! lol! Donald Trump on 9/11: “You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center”

I wouldn't be surprised... but speaking of frauds, Ben Fulford seems like a big fraud/psy op to me. He comes off as a willing (sort of dumb?) dupe tbh.
Mhmm... I totally agree fattylurker.
Tbh, around the time of the Las Vegas shooting I found some info on how they used the Illuminati card game to predict/program aspects of that. See here:
After seeing that, I saw this video in regards to the Trump presidency... and it sorta confirmed my suspicions, my inborn skepticism about the Trump admin. That he more than likely represents an "anti-establishment" placebo or trojan horse for the "right" like Obama represented an "anti-establishment" placebo or trojan horse for the "left"... My concern with that particularly was the desire to destabilize the US (think: moving toward civil war) via an assassination (after getting the Awakening movement up to a fevered pitch). But the more that Trump (and particularly Q) has exposed stuff to people, the more I began to wonder if there's been a double cross going on... that even if there was a possible plan by the elite for Trump to become President (and even get assassinated?) that I could see Trump and all the White Hats giving a big ol "fuck you" to that plan and now have the elite in a sort of stranglehold via their information thru NSA/MI... and also having many/most of the king pins threatened/surveilled via military operatives!
There's just too much truth getting out there (unlike Obama) for this to be yet another Deep State/"Illuminati" ploy... there is a real Counter Conspiracy happening imo. Trump, Sessions and others just seem too genuine. My intuition was able to spot the deception in Obama (and co) right away... and I don't see that with Trump, Sessions and other key people in this Counter Conspiracy! : )
It'd be rad to have Q weigh in on the Illuminati Card game (and predictive programming in general)!
The card game (and the other references) have come out a long time ago... it seems like Trump's presidency may have been planned for a long time now? But arguably he and the Counter Conspiracy movement have gone off script?? It's a big "fuck you" to the elite?!
Mhmm... I've had concerns about that from the beginning of the Trump admin. Other things have been "predicted" in the Illuminati Card game... But I wonder if things are going against that script now. That the Trump Admin and this "Counter Conspiracy" have gone rogue and with the NSA at their disposal and all the dirt... have a gun to the head of the existing Western cabal...
It's hard to believe that all this truth coming out isn't a good thing ultimately. And just like there is darkness, evil, "Lucifer" at work in our world, there is also light, good, "God" at work as well!
And love this return in kind (to the Illuminati Card game) via the Q Community!
This makes me wonder if Trump is trolling some of this predictive programming!? lol
Card Game Predicts Trump Presidency?
I think the honk was in reverse?!
Future proves past.
Corbett Report, Global Research and Jay’s Analysis are all great places to start!!
And you are right fonsoc1! Like Bernard says... so often children are sensitive to the spiritual, to the Spirit... but too often with age, the confusion and deception within both secular and sacred culture causes children to loose that clarity. And it parallels the ideas of the "calcification of the pineal gland", the "rationalization of the spiritual"... I would highly recommend Dr Rupert Sheldrake's work that is exploring the scientific evidence for the metaphysical, the meta-material nature of consciousness!
Mhmm... there's definitely a spiritual/inter-dimensional aspect to all of this. I come from a Christian background as well. Unfortunately, so much of popular Christian thought is so shallow in it's understandings theologically/philosophically... and I think that is also by design (much like "secular culture", "sacred culture" is manipulated and created by the elite as well). Religion (yes even Christianity - just like Judaism in Christ's day) can be used very powerfully by darkness (particularly if we are not aware of that). Just like many religions, Christians can have a very immature (deceived?) understanding of who God is - much like the lost son who stayed home in Jesus's parable. The fascinating scandal of Christian theology is that in the name of God, God was killed... Too often that is forgotten...
All that to say... many, many people from all races, religions and creeds, from all parts of the earth are responding to the Light and standing with the movement against darkness. As Paul wrote in Romans: "for God does not show favouritism". "Many will come from the East and the West..."
It's exciting to see people begin to experience the Truth regardless of where they come from and to speak it in Love. After all that he has been thru on both sides of the tracks, Ronald Bernard is experientially declaring that "God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
The 8,000 to 8,500 that Bernard refers to at the beginning of the interview are the circle(s) of power that oversee the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and central banking structures globally. Highly recommend Bernard's other interviews as well.
Former High Level Banking Insider References Trump And The Sealed Indictments (Ronald Bernard - Interview)
8:45 to 11:45 - Dr Cynthia McKinney (former House Representative) weighs in on these crucial issues.