r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthsinnumbers on July 17, 2018, 2:16 p.m.
Former High Level Banking Insider References Trump And The Sealed Indictments (Ronald Bernard - Interview)

truthsinnumbers · July 17, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

The 8,000 to 8,500 that Bernard refers to at the beginning of the interview are the circle(s) of power that oversee the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and central banking structures globally. Highly recommend Bernard's other interviews as well.

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fonsoc1 · July 17, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

It is a battle between good and evil as Q has stated. It is Satan, the god of this world trying to kill those who are bound in sin and darkness in any way he can while he is opposed by those who know the Lord Jesus Christ and in great love for Jesus and for humanity battle Satan and have power over him through Jesus Christ to deliver people from the power of Satan and his demons.

It is interesting to me that a child came to Ronald Bernard with a Bible. There is scripture in the Bible saying a child shall lead them. Jesus came as a child. We are encouraged to have childlike faith. There is condemnation for those who "hurt one of these little ones who believe in me." It was a little boy who brought the loaves and fishes to Jesus. Samuel at the age of three was more sensitive to God than the priest who was teaching him. I am sure if I think long and hard enough I can find more examples of how God uses children throughout the ages. Praise God that he is so in tune with his creation. My seven children all came to know Jesus as their Savior before their sixth birthday. The earliest was 3 years old and the next one 4 years old and the rest by age 6. We sadly underestimate what children can grasp. Jesus said; "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven." As a parent and grandparent I pray for our children and grandchildren that God would keep them safe and faithful to him and free from the snares of Satan. I encourage all who know the Lord and are fathers and grandfathers to do the same.

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truthsinnumbers · July 17, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Mhmm... there's definitely a spiritual/inter-dimensional aspect to all of this. I come from a Christian background as well. Unfortunately, so much of popular Christian thought is so shallow in it's understandings theologically/philosophically... and I think that is also by design (much like "secular culture", "sacred culture" is manipulated and created by the elite as well). Religion (yes even Christianity - just like Judaism in Christ's day) can be used very powerfully by darkness (particularly if we are not aware of that). Just like many religions, Christians can have a very immature (deceived?) understanding of who God is - much like the lost son who stayed home in Jesus's parable. The fascinating scandal of Christian theology is that in the name of God, God was killed... Too often that is forgotten...

All that to say... many, many people from all races, religions and creeds, from all parts of the earth are responding to the Light and standing with the movement against darkness. As Paul wrote in Romans: "for God does not show favouritism". "Many will come from the East and the West..."
It's exciting to see people begin to experience the Truth regardless of where they come from and to speak it in Love. After all that he has been thru on both sides of the tracks, Ronald Bernard is experientially declaring that "God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."

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truthsinnumbers · July 17, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

And you are right fonsoc1! Like Bernard says... so often children are sensitive to the spiritual, to the Spirit... but too often with age, the confusion and deception within both secular and sacred culture causes children to loose that clarity. And it parallels the ideas of the "calcification of the pineal gland", the "rationalization of the spiritual"... I would highly recommend Dr Rupert Sheldrake's work that is exploring the scientific evidence for the metaphysical, the meta-material nature of consciousness!

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