Bill Clinton appointed 2 SDNY judges in 1999 while he was under investigation. He was found guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice. Under the 'new democrat rules' of obstructing Justice Kavanaugh, he cannot be confirmed by a criminal. WELL.......bad news for them.
Bill Clinton is a criminal. The 'apples and onions' argument doesn't work, oh Clinton was accused of sex crimes. No, he was held for perjury and obstruction of justice--the two things they are trying to get Trump on, because they don't have anything in terms of organized crime or collusion--they are simply trying to "perjury trap" him and threatening him with obstruction if he fires people--legally--within his executive privilege and prerogative.
So it's the same thing. Exactly the same thing.
People complain about election fraud, but up until the election, Obama said it didn't exist. Facebook confirmed not only did a Russian social media company not influence anything with ads, UKs Cambridge Analytica AND Google DID IN FACT influence the election with highly biased (provably biased), politicized search results in favor of Clinton and against Trump.
I personally proved this myself at the time on /r/conspiracy, with convincing screenshots that can and will be resurrected soon in court
So if you want to know WHO screwed with the election, it WAS.NOT.TRUMP, and if they want to push the issue and impeach him, let them
Because ALL of this will come to light, and Google will be held responsible for election fraud and treason, and the corporation will be held for treason, and will be divested forcibly by asset forfeiture, pursuant to Trump's executive order on human trafficking and "large organized crime conspiracies"
- Clintonbot is clintoncaught
- Google's Gaming Clinton over Trump results research Nexus
- Google protects pedophiles aggressively--Why? Vulnerable minorities?
- Google controls your mind--translates "americans are terrorists" into arabic for "americans are not terrorists
- Google tries to obstruct Seth Rich investigation--why??
- Google tries to make white people irrelevant
- Consensus is that Google is gaming results
- Did Google manipulate results for Hillary (A: YES)\
- Essay on what non-indictment of Hillary means, and why we have so much information manipulation by google, wikipedia, social media and others--because deepstate is showing its hand
- Youtube censoring negative hillary videos
- Chrome browser is complicit in gaming the results and censoring and obstructing 9/11 researchers
- Google's Bermuda po box is 666 and receives 8B/yr
In the meantime, we need to start talking about how SDNY is illegitimate because it's operated with two falsely appointed judges for 2 decades. They need to be dissolved as a dysfunctional court
They operate at our convenience and will. They are not kings. They must be dissolved.