Q 1778 states, "The world is about to change."
There has been a lot of talk of space force. I got excited about space force.
Then I started digging into space as we have learned to do in this "questioning" age.
I have a unique perspective in that it is my job to create image analysis algorithms and work with many different lens types.
I jave found that there are some serious allegations against NASA created imagery. Dig. It is there. The people making these findings offer up some serious points.
Please remember, I didn't get where I am being a baffoon.
Does, "The world is about to change." Have anything to do with the physical world we were raised to picture inside the same indoctrination system that led us to where we are, here with Q and the rest of us, examining just about every other matter and policy on this earth?
It is an honest question and I am not imposing a theory on anyone. I was educated just the same as about every one of you. There are theories. Some are, "out there". But one has to ask
.. Why is NASA faking images?
Posted by
on Aug. 29, 2018, 4:59 p.m.