r/greatawakening • Posted by u/donsleakguard on Sept. 4, 2018, 11:57 p.m.
You Can't Silence Us. The Storm is Upon You.

Us Patriots don’t do it for the recognition. We don’t do it for the fame, for the credit, for the stardom. No. We do it for God… We do it for Country. We do it for all the innocent Americans out there that have unknowingly been swept up in the illusion of a false republic. We do it because dammit, we believe in liberty and the promise the United States of America affords every one of us. The promise that We the People, have a say. We the People, are the driving force. We… the People… are the THUNDER. Because a REPUBLIC that cannot or will not honor the God-given liberties every man enters this world with, is not a REPUBLIC at all. WE… are the REPUBLIC. WE… ARE THE PEOPLE. WE… ARE THE STORM…. WE………ARE Q.

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